Example sentences of "be [adv] kind to " in BNC.

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1 Very little apart from his outward appearance , and when he had n't been teasing her he 'd been carelessly kind to her when they met .
2 The years had been reasonably kind to Katherine Lundy — or at least had been until she had begun drinking heavily .
3 But Wilson had been immeasurably kind to him , found a place for a very square peg in his government and , in 1967 , when he no longer had room in his government for Wigg , created him a peer and was at pains to find him a suitable job as chairman of the Horserace Betting Levy Board .
4 ‘ Look , you 've been really kind to me .
5 They 'd been unbelievably kind to her , not that it was any of his business — he was n't one of the villagers , just a visitor .
6 But , looking into her face , it did n't seem as if her years of freedom had been particularly kind to her .
7 In fact he and his wife Rosemary were extremely kind to me when they lived in South Yorkshire and later when I stayed with then , in North Yorkshire whilst working in that area .
8 Kinloss was a pleasant environment and the locals were extremely kind to the alien invasion , but one felt so very much out of the hurly burly of wartime England , this was made particularly clear when pupils I had trained returned for their rest period , and one did get the message that my operational background was no longer valid or right to pass on to the crews coming forward for conversion to twin-engined aircraft .
9 A lot of Mickeys and Goofys recognized John 's condition and were especially kind to him .
10 ‘ They were really kind to me and they made me feel that they genuinely cared . ’
11 As Lady Romsey gently cradled Holly in her arms , the girl 's mother Julie said : ‘ Both the Romseys and their nanny were particularly kind to us when Leonora and Holly were receiving treatment .
12 The public gave it early notice : the critics were again kind to Burton .
13 But the wheels of bureaucracy take time to run , and British winter weather is rarely kind to fliers , while seaplanes have the additional disadvantage of needing several ground-crew and suitable tides as well as suffering all the constraints of more conventional land aircraft .
14 He is infinitely kind to all the things that go into his pictures .
15 That Jesus was personally kind to women there is no reason to doubt .
16 So she was especially kind to Janice .
17 He was extremely kind to me .
18 She was always kind to me and she was the only neighbour Mum could really trust .
19 He did n't say much , but he was always kind to her .
20 ‘ But he was always kind to those who were around . ’
21 ‘ Madeleine , Mrs Appleby is a person , not just a cook ; and in the days when I lived at Maythorpe House , she was enormously kind to me , ’ Harry said .
22 The new group format was also kind to holders Llanelli , who entertain either St Albans or Bridgend Athletic — both junior clubs .
23 She was consistently kind to faded little Miss Fogerty and very willing to show her new methods of threading beads and making plasticine crumpets , explaining patiently , as she did so , the psychological implications behind these activities in words of three or , more often , four syllables .
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