Example sentences of "be [adv] suggested [that] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years it has been widely suggested that our prisons are in a ‘ state of crisis ’ , a situation made worse by inadequate means for monitoring what the prisons are doing , and a lack of formal safeguards against bad practices .
2 It can not be sensibly suggested that an estate agent is contractually bound to disclose to any one of his principals information which is confidential to another of his principals .
3 The figures are left in the orange colour of the clay , the background painted in round them in the shiny black : a purely decorative variation ; and it has been plausibly suggested that the strange ‘ negative ’ idea was inspired by the custom of washing the background of marble reliefs with a blue or red against which the mainly white figures were left standing out .
4 It has been tentatively suggested that they , together possibly with their timber predecessors , formed part of a military enclave within the civilian town , thus perhaps resembling Corbridge ( see p. 60 ) with its two military arsenals .
5 IBM now has 13 autonomous business units , with nine focused on specific product lines , and it is widely suggested that some of these need heavyweight industry veterans to run them effectively .
6 In soil geography it is generally suggested that the systems approach was formally applied by Nikiforoff ( 1959 ) although earlier he had distinguished accumulative and non-accumulative soils and so implicitly involved an open system attitude ( Nikiforoff , 1949 ) .
7 It is not suggested that each offence should be ranked according to the seriousness of its after-effects on the particular victim — although there is an argument for assuming that young victims will be particularly damaged by unwanted sexual experiences , and therefore for regarding such offences as more serious .
8 It is not suggested that Mrs Browne carried her spinning wheel through her garden and across the lane to perform on her wheel .
9 It is not suggested that the teacher should keep up a non-stop commentary or continually repeat the children 's answers and comments for the benefit of the rest of the group .
10 ( If the computer terminology makes you reel uncomfortable , remember that it is not suggested that we are computers .
11 It is not suggested that the results of assessment should be adjusted to take account of characteristic differences between groups in performance .
12 While it is not suggested that this roll of honour is exhaustive , a list would , even on a world-wide basis , be strikingly short .
13 Ratio and proportion are difficult concepts and therefore a limited number of questions was used , but it is not suggested that these represent the only possible ones for lower attainers .
14 It is not suggested that it is negligent in any way .
15 It is not suggested that the money belongs to the former regime of Siad Barre , nor that it is the property of a government or governmental agency rather than state property belonging to the Republic .
16 We should note that in recognising that companies have power , it is not suggested that their power is anything like absolute .
17 It is not suggested however that directors ' duties , which are largely of judicial creation , are shaped by a theory that regards the purpose of the company and company law as being to further the public interest : it is not suggested that the ‘ social enterprise ’ perspective has influenced the development of the law .
18 It is not suggested that the individual types fit any specific political system .
19 It is not suggested that any but a small proportion of private homes are like this , but where such conditions do occur , it indicates that the vetting , registration and monitoring procedures are failing .
20 Whilst it is not suggested that such behaviour is common , the temptation to copy , or at least to fail to acknowledge the other thesis as a source , is made stronger by the knowledge that such unscrupulous acts are very difficult to detect , because the original works , if unpublished , may only be known to the researchers and to their supervisors .
21 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
22 It has often been claimed that English speech is rhythmical , and that the rhythm is detectable in the regular occurrence of stressed syllables ; of course , it is not suggested that the timing is as regular as a clock — the regularity of occurrence is only relative .
23 Despite such differences and tensions , it is nevertheless suggested that these are best viewed as variations within the functionalist style of public law thought .
24 However , it is nevertheless suggested that the draftsman is unlikely to be able to provide a satisfactory procedure for future disputes without losing most of the advantages of determination by expert .
25 It is further suggested that in reporting the results of stability tests and the conclusions drawn from them , care should be taken to avoid any statement which would lead people to believe that the products have been proved to be ‘ stable ’ .
26 Repeating submissions made in December 1991 , it is further suggested that the requirements for a property to be let for 26 weeks out of a 52-week period — before an individual is allowed a deduction in respect of interest on a loan to purchase the property — is too restrictive in the present state of the property market .
27 It is further suggested that this will lead to women being able to take up paid work instead , further advancing their equality with men .
28 it is further suggested that ‘ nostalgic playback ’ began after the 1914–18 war .
29 It is further suggested that funding for such a programme might be available through the European Community 's information technology programmes .
30 It is further suggested that :
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