Example sentences of "be [adv] the result " in BNC.

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1 They are obviously the result of a modern design , not revived technology .
2 Dr McNab shrugged negligently and said : " These symptoms are obviously the result of the diminished volume of the blood …
3 It is further evidence that its policies are merely the result of what its paymasters , the trade unions , say .
4 Although a small number of inter-denominational schools have been built in the UK , they are normally the result of neighbouring schools coming together from weakness and threat of closure .
5 His fatness seems to have been largely the result of good living rather than ill-health ; he had decided to separate from his wife , yet he was obviously in need of looking after .
6 Do you have arguments which are largely the result of a clash of views , or do you use arguments to clarify actions or values ?
7 Conflicts that arise between line and staff positions and between strong and weaker functions are largely the result of an imbalance in power .
8 They are largely the result of geological activity .
9 They are not the result of any known lack of food or hormones , and no microbes have been proved to cause them .
10 But habituation and other such escape strategies are not the result of any active intellect .
11 All stress the role of grace and man 's total dependence upon God for salvation : they point out that good works are not the result of human will-power but are in some mysterious way the actions of God himself .
12 Social order from the perspective of cosmos is based on ‘ the discovery that there exist orderly structures which are the product of the action of many men but are not the result of human design ’ .
13 These editorial policies are not the result of idiosyncratic requirements on the part of journal editors ; they are simply part of the disciplinary culture , which every aspiring academic has to pick up .
14 But they are not the result of any form of democratic consultation and LPAs are given no right to see them , even though the policy advanced might directly impinge on their financial responsibilities .
15 These findings indicate that the gastritis and hypergastrinaemia associated with H pylori infection are not the result of mucosal damage induced by the organism 's ammonia production .
16 Erm I 'm asking this question to e satisfy myself that these changes and reduction in costs are not the result of political expediency as opposed to er a genuine assessment of what the risk in the change environment is likely to be .
17 I have tried to identify biochemical , morphological and physiological changes occurring in specific regions of the chick brain in the minutes to hours following training on a simple task , to show that the changes are not the results of other aspects of training than memory , to show that blocking the changes prevents the memory , and vice versa , and , finally , to examine the consequences of removing the brain sites of change , either before or after the chick has been trained .
18 Both technology and its accompanying organizational forms , especially those concerned with increasing efficiency , are thus the result of essentially political choices : ‘ when people enter into relationships of production they are , at the same time , engaged in a political process out of which emerge structures of domination and subordination , mechanisms of social control and forms of exploitation ’ ( Johnson 1980 , p. 335 ) .
19 Nevertheless , ‘ knowledges ’ are products like any others , and are thus the results of certain processes of production , made up of the usual elements .
20 They 're merely the result of a feeling of dissatisfaction .
21 It is true that the government used all the influence it could to secure the return of loyal members , and the purges of borough corporations at the end of Charles II 's reign certainly had an electoral impact , but the election of such a loyal Parliament appears to have been more the result of a genuine reaction against the Whigs amongst the electorate than it was of Court manipulation .
22 Instead , place the emphasis on the more straightforward reasons for leaving , after all few decisions are the result of just one factor but are usually the result of a combination of circumstances .
23 Where things have gone wrong the two typical queries are : ‘ My fish are ill/dying/dead/refusing to eat ’ and ‘ My fish are killing each other ’ , and many of these I find very distressing , as they are usually the result of the hobbyist having failed to do his or her ‘ homework ’ before setting up their tank or buying a particular species .
24 Bacterial infections are usually the result of poor water quality and may lead to loss of tail and finnage , along with ulcers and gill damage .
25 Hence very large firms created by amalgamation are usually the result of mergers .
26 Such doubts are directly the result of a faulty picture of God .
27 Ease of use is also an important element , as most failures are still the result of human error .
28 Wide variations in practice are partly the result of ignorance about the efficacy of many medical interventions ( Black 1986 , Fuchs 1984 ) .
29 Salinity on density surfaces close to the temperature and salinity minimum of LSW from the CONVEX-91 northern section shows two main features ( Fig. 2 b ) : first , an increase in salinity from west to east ( high salinity values over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Rockall plateau are probably the result of enhanced mixing over the topography ) ; second , a change in the density surface of the salinity minimum .
30 Many international expansions are clearly the result of more than one of these pressures .
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