Example sentences of "be [adv] confine to " in BNC.

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1 The changes in O 3 concentrations are predominantly confined to the latitude band of injections in July .
2 Part of the reason for this is , again , the way in which women are effectively confined to the home at least for some part of their lives .
3 ‘ No less than 80 are entirely confined to the Celebesian fauna , a degree of individuality which , considering the situation of the island , is hardly to be equalled in any other part of the world … ‘
4 In denying that bilinguals are special in this respect , I am arguing for an approach to the study of linguistic interactions which bridges the old barrier between " variationist " studies , which deal with social and stylistic variation in " monolingual " , socially stratified speech communities , and " ethnographic " studies of code switching and related phenomena which are normally confined to bilingual or diglossic bidialectal communities .
5 Such terms are best confined to an appendix .
6 I feel so glad that I 've finally found something that works and am not confined to a life of bingeing/vomiting , etc .
7 Until Livingstone , various Right-On pet publishing and campaigning projects had been largely confined to tedious discussion documents and papers wrangled over at interminable meetings .
8 Identifiable links between the Mycenaeans and Egyptians have until now been largely confined to deposits of Mycenaean pottery in Egypt , and sporadic finds of Egyptians objects in Greece.If this papyrus does show Mycenaean warriors fighting alongside Egyptians , perhaps as mercenaries , it provides the first evidence for more direct interaction between these two major Bronze Age cultures of the Mediterranean .
9 A few works , such as Jesus the Magician and The Gnostic Gospels , have been widely reviewed , discussed and distributed , but their readership has been largely confined to people with a particular interest in their subject matter .
10 External validation in PSHE has familiarized institutions with an evaluation process in which their own role has been largely confined to passively displaying data .
11 If curve B applies then the erasure could have been largely confined to the lull between formation and the subsequent peak in bombardment , possibly extending into that bombardment .
12 Excavations have been largely confined to the western side , revealing an earth rampart made up of material from at least one contemporary ditch to the west .
13 * A new report suggests that coastal marine pollution as a result of the Gulf War has been largely confined to a strip of several hundred kilometres along the northern Saudi coastline .
14 Twite , however , are largely confined to saltings and the maximum number in recent years has been 335 .
15 This will ensure that the effects of any system thrashing are largely confined to their own work .
16 Pictorial designs ( pls 4,40 ) based on scenes taken from life , history or mythology , are largely confined to workshop rugs from Persia ( in particular , Kerman , Tabriz and Kashan ) , India and , to a lesser extent , Pakistan .
17 What chances there are of the underclass obtaining any work are largely confined to this secondary and flexible labour market , and that part which is characterized by less security of employment , low pay and little or no pension or fringe benefits .
18 The third type seem to be solid , and are largely confined to the lower half of the main cloud .
19 On the Earth such compounds are largely confined to the oceans , common salt ( sodium chloride ) being an abundant example .
20 You can also see that the maria are largely confined to the near side .
21 The form of the Jovian field indicates that the currents which constitute the dipole source are largely confined to between 0.6 R J and 0.9 R J .
22 Again this is not a view which has been endorsed by all , but it does provide an explanation as to why the government 's proposed reforms are largely confined to measures concerned with speeding up the investigatory process and making existing policy more efficient .
23 These difficulties are most obvious in America , but they are not confined to it .
24 Of course cliques centred on ministers are not confined to Nonconformists and Spurgeon 's plain speaking was in the tradition of Bunyan and before him of generations of mediaeval preachers .
25 Simply by putting relatively isolated community groups together Highlander is able to convey a sense of purpose to these groups which springs from the confidence gained by the realisation that their problems are not confined to themselves , nor in most cases caused by any deficiency or fault of their own , but are rather due to outside forces of oppression which are also being used against other people in other communities .
26 They are not confined to Latin America , nor even to the LDCs , as they represent a common response to some of the problems of contemporary capitalism .
27 The lesions are not confined to the genitalia , although they are most often found there , but are also seen on the thighs , perineum , and buttocks .
28 Acidity and ochre formation , triggered by the lowering of the water-table , are not confined to traditional wetlands .
29 Hawaiian-type eruptions are not confined to Hawaii , although in few other areas are fire fountains quite so beautifully developed .
30 In the ‘ haute montagne ’ and ‘ montagne ’ zones the retirement annuity is 15,000FF ( £1,304 ) per annum and maximum payments are not confined to those releasing farmland for public use , afforestation or to development plan farmers as they are in the UK .
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