Example sentences of "be [verb] three weeks " in BNC.

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1 The Rev. Francis Lambert had only been ordained three weeks before his death , the dedication of this window taking place on Sept. 4th 1892 .
2 We were given three weeks to make ready and our curiosity was heightened when four American cypher sergeants from Headquarters Squadron , Middle East US Forces , were attached to our unit .
3 They were arrested three weeks later in Liverpool when they were again seen to remove the cash box from a kiosk .
4 And the Edwardses were gone three weeks !
5 The lifters were tested three weeks ago and were booted out of the Olympics for taking Clenbuterol .
6 Summons hearings are held fortnightly , and committal cases are held three weeks out of four .
7 Cryptosporidium was diagnosed three weeks ago , but doctors are convinced it 's now died off and Julie 's current problems are the result of something else .
8 He was discharged three weeks after admission , having recovered fully .
9 That erm it might be wise or advisable , I 'd be interested to hear your views Colin and others perhaps even council procedures , you know on , on how far you can go in checking out er because I mean , you know you get something which tells you what was happening three weeks ago .
10 The letter was written three weeks before it was published .
11 The child was born three weeks premature , but is believed to be in good health .
12 The mysterious hole — big enough to take a coffin — was found three weeks before Jason Price , 21 , went missing .
13 He was arrested three weeks later in possession of a giro cheque which had been stolen from another woman mugged in nearby Old Kent Road .
14 The return to Warrington where a gasometer was destroyed three weeks ago may appear to set a curious pattern to the IRA 's logistics , but it may be that recent arrests and seizures of weapons and explosives in London in early March has inflicted a major blow to their intentions in the capital .
15 Similarly , the announcement on 8 March 1962 of the composition of the National Directorate of the ORI , which revealed that the Communist old guard would have the upper hand , was countered three weeks later by the denunciation of Anibal Escalante for ’ sectarianism' , a measure which forced the Soviet Union to take a stand .
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