Example sentences of "be [verb] for weeks " in BNC.

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1 And just in case any men out there still need to be convinced that cleanliness is next to Robert Redfordness , how about the tale of a friend of mine who was desperate to impress a woman he had been pursuing for weeks .
2 Even her departure had been delayed for weeks for want of the funds necessary to fit out her ship and escort .
3 The silver has n't been polished for weeks . ’
4 Even if it happens that I have made a firm decision to commit suicide , and have been wondering for weeks how to cheat the insurance company , the failure to jump would accord with my intention only by chance .
5 It had been waiting for weeks .
6 His flat had been closed for weeks and the fridge was empty .
7 Towards which we 've been striving for weeks .
8 It 's been dripping for weeks and Timmy 's always falling about in the mud . ’
9 Elstree is not able to take all the aviation business that 's been displaced for weeks that I know of and , and for Hatfield I 've been notified by two people who are at present at Hatfield , one of whom is going to move to Stansted .
10 Other Western diplomats , local journalists and most political analysts claimed , however , that the coup had been rumoured for weeks and had a level of sophistication far greater than that expected from mostly illiterate soldiers in the ranks .
11 The eggs hatch to L1 on the pasture and may develop to L3 in as short a period as five days but development may be delayed for weeks or months under cool conditions .
12 And lots of appointments to keep with solicitors , doctors and physiotherapists , appointments which I will be keeping for weeks and months .
13 A stretch of the A173 in Brotton may be closed for weeks following the accident , which saw masonry crash into the road .
14 The ACLU also notes the inconssstency that an employee can be punished for smoking a joint on his summer holiday , which leaves a residue that can be detected for weeks , but not for getting drunk in the evening of a working day .
15 His hair , which had not been cut for weeks , fell in silky waves around his face .
16 The Lakeland fells had been baked for weeks under cloudless skies ; the becks were dry and the tarns warm enough to give refreshing dips .
17 When water levels drop the shoreline remains green , for it is seeded with a special grass which can survive being submerged for weeks at a time .
18 yes you 've been promising for weeks
19 A READER writes that she has been trying for weeks to find the outcome of the Prime Minister 's ‘ Taking Stock ’ exercise .
20 THEY had been nit-picking for weeks .
21 Detainees have often been held for weeks or months without access to defence lawyers before being brought to trial on charges such as rebellion , illegal association and ‘ enemy propaganda ’ ( a charge brought against those accused of producing , distributing or possessing any information regarded as subversive by the authorities ) .
22 Most serious in parts of Catalonia , in Aragon and in neighbouring Rioja , the movement was eventually suppressed with military force ; the strength and resilience of Aragonese anarchism were nevertheless still evident in the spring of 1934 , when the regional capital , Zaragoza , was paralysed for weeks by a general strike .
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