Example sentences of "be [verb] pay the " in BNC.

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1 We are struggling to pay the loan and the mortgage .
2 Given that the annual cost of a Roman legion was 1.25 million denarii , this calculation shows that provincial bronze coinage is not likely to have been used to pay the wages of Roman legionaries .
3 The family were not rich ; much of their land had been sold to pay the debts of successive wastrel sons .
4 Otherwise , those folks in Libya are going to pay the price .
5 Yes , yes , well I am too , and that we shall pay the penalty later on if we do n't get with us and I feel that erm , as difficult as the budget is , as tight as it is with reduction etcetera , I feel that we should make a positive funding for prevention or something , or er , because I think unless we do start somewhere , and quickly , we are going to pay the penalty at the end of the and so we 've got to make a date , you 've got to make a year , and if you wait and say and well we have n't got it now , well next year we shall say we have n't got it now , and the next year we 'll say we have n't got it now .
6 1814 " This Meeting knowing that they are Bound to pay the Carriage of the articles required for building the Church of Kildaltan …
7 A culture in which those who are abused pay the price — twice , three and more times over .
8 But it is the British people who are having to pay the price of their mismanagement of our nation 's affairs . ’
9 It is not so much that those buyers who actually consume the Qm units are having to pay the higher price Pm for them , since the higher price represents the value to them of the marginal unit bought .
10 ENGLISH cricket fans are set to pay the price for political blunders at Lord 's when the crucial vote is taken in February on the venue for the 1995 World Cup .
11 ‘ If I were coining it down in the bull market , ’ I reminded him , ‘ and you were my oldest friend and out of work and you came up with two corking girls like that , I 'd be honoured to pay the bill . ’
12 It 's not known if more funds will be made abvailable to send young criminals to places like Earlswood , or wether local authorities will still be expected to pay the bill .
13 ‘ If it is proved before a jury of his peers that Robert Mitchum violated the law , he must be made to pay the penalty just like any other citizen , rich or poor , famous or a nobody .
14 Such employers should be made to pay the price of the crime , they should be fined heavily , or even imprisoned .
15 Flashman also claimed a London newspaper reporter ‘ must have been drinking ’ to suggest that top scorer Gary Bull , valued at Pounds 500,000 , will be sold to pay the fine .
16 If a grant is made and there is money or other assets in the estate of the person who has died , this will have to be used to pay the money back to the Social Fund .
17 In the two ‘ Bishops ' Wars ’ which followed , Charles was humiliated and in 1640 was obliged to summon the English parliament in order to have funds voted which could be used to pay the invading Scottish army to return home .
18 These are added up , and the customer pays one-twelfth of the total into a separate account each month , which can be used to pay the bills as they arise .
19 In the end part of there specific bequest had to be used to pay the balance of bills but there was a complaint about how long it had taken to sort out , and it taken long to sort out because it was a home made will that did n't make all the right provisions .
20 Many of Innocent 's pronouncements on written record , on the appeal procedure ( the case to be returned to the former judges if the objection proved unreasonable and the appellant to be condemned to pay the costs ) , and on intermediary judgments jostled with other decisions among the decrees of the Lateran Council .
21 But the original tenant will also be bound to pay the rent agreed upon review by an assignee ( Centrovincial Estate plc v Bulk Storage Ltd ( 1983 ) 268 EG 59 ) and will be bound by any variation of the lease agreed between the landlord and the assignee ( Selous Street Properties Ltd v Oronel Fabrics Ltd ( 1984 ) 270 EG 643 , 743 ) .
22 Tell the office that a way must be found to pay the balance of slightly less than £10,000 .
23 If a genuine mistake has been made , then the bank or building society will be told to start deducting tax , and people might be asked to pay the tax on past interest .
24 In addition , pension scheme trustees can be asked to pay the money in the scheme to a named person , and most property can be jointly held , in the way already referred to .
25 At present you can not be asked to pay the Defendant 's legal costs , even if you decide to abandon your claim .
26 British motorists would be forced to pay the far higher prices that car makers invariably charge for their body parts , in some cases up to 60 per cent more , the Consumers ' Association has said .
27 At first it seemed that LGCM might be forced to pay the Archdeacon 's legal costs as well as its own , which might leave it bankrupt .
28 I urge congress to support motion three eight two and to demonstrate clearly our belief the least well off in our society should not be forced to pay the price of Tory failure re to regenerate the nation 's industry .
29 He has n't any other commitments and he would ask that erm he be allowed to pay the fine at the rate of twenty pounds per week .
30 He has n't any other commitments and he would ask that erm he 'd be allowed to pay the fine at a rate of twenty pounds per week .
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