Example sentences of "[am/are] often [vb pp] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 They were , however , very much more abundant 350 million years ago and their fossils are often found in the same sort of deposits that contain coelacanths .
2 The textiles themselves are normally known as a result of being preserved by corrosion , where they have been in contact with metal objects in graves ; wood and leather are often preserved in the same manner .
3 It may be noticed that insensibility both to moral appeals and to appeals to one 's future interests , imprisonment within both ‘ I ’ and ‘ Now ’ , are often combined in the same person , and that the combination is widely accepted as the strongest criterion for classing him as ‘ psychopathic ’ and exempting him from moral judgment .
4 At the local level , where departments are often housed in the same buildings , and where officers and councillors — as well as prominent local interest group officials , journalists , council ‘ clients ’ ( headmasters , businessmen , builders , and so on ) — live in the same locality , the informal dimension is especially important and should not be obscured by undue emphasis on formal hierarchies .
5 Cars and lorries of all sizes are often used in the same way , with roadways , intersections , bridges and unloading bays made from blocks or other materials .
6 In particular , freedom to teach and to conduct research are often mentioned in the same phrase , as if the authority by which an academic engages in the one activity is exactly the same as the authority under which the other activity is undertaken .
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