Example sentences of "[am/are] try [to-vb] [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're trying to point out the buildings which have stood the test of time ; buildings built by craftsmen who knew what they were doing , who used quality materials , ’ she added .
2 She says that they 're trying to clear up the waste created by thousands of people — it 's a long job and they may not have time to do it all .
3 Yes , it 's for the dictionary project , we 're doing a , erm we 're trying to build up a database at the moment of transcribed spoken language .
4 We 're trying to build up a picture of what happened before the event .
5 ‘ Especially , ’ Angelica said , ‘ when you 're trying to make out a form for somebody whom you know wo n't appear anywhere in the records . ’
6 That 's why I 'm trying to fill up the gap with a few concerts , but of course I 'm not good enough for the big dates , it will be mostly provincial engagements .
7 But I 'm trying to track down the man who brutally murdered Sandy , your sister .
8 I 'm trying to track down the Presley hoard .
9 I squirm like I 'm trying to shake off a mosquito .
10 ‘ I am not pregnant , nor do I suffer from anorexia , ’ she added frostily , ‘ I 'm trying to shake off an illness I 've had for a few months , that 's all . ’
11 I am trying to open up the moor by re-seeding and protecting the heather . ’
12 I am trying to set up a seminar on Ethics in Communications ( which may also touch on more general issues of ethics and management ) — do you have any relevant texts of which you might send me a complimentary copy and to which reference could be made in the publicity for what should prove a stimulating event !
13 ‘ We are trying to turn around a situation we do not deny is difficult , ’ admits one Ferruzzi executive .
14 Researchers are trying to sort out the difference in genetic make-up both in cancers and in normal tissue .
15 ‘ So we are trying to fill out the details of his early life .
16 In defining these limits , Christians are trying to carry out the pattern laid down by God , who created our sexuality .
17 According to press reports , the experts are trying to work out a compromise solution under which the Danube 's water would be divided between the old river bed and the new canal .
18 Down in division 3 , Hereford United are trying to shake off a run of 3 league defeats in a row .
19 The Slovaks are trying to rub out the use of Hungarian in officialdom .
20 They have financial problems , like many people — and more than most if they are trying to bring up a family in London without ‘ private means ’ .
21 There 's still no news from the talks in London which are trying to bring about an end to the ambulance dispute .
22 So there we are trying to fish out a bunch of keys from a three-foot pit full of human urine and excrement .
23 He 's been in contact with his family , who are trying to find out the details of what happened .
24 ‘ We are trying to build up the event and , as we do not pay appearance money , the best way to do that is to offer rewards that will attract the best players , ’ he added .
25 Now President de Klerk and the ANC leadership are trying to tone down the outcome of the talks in order not to appear to have pre-empted a decision before the others have had a chance to have their say .
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