Example sentences of "the basis [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 But she was also , among other literary things , the wonderful and baleful orphan or isolate who is seen to advantage in the books she read : and it may be that cultural history is especially worth attending to in cases such as hers , where the subject is a dedicated reader , and the basis for a directly psychological account is even more than usually insecure .
2 The basis for a different type of approach already existed .
3 We have the basis for a new poetry , and for a new music .
4 No , dearie , when I say , the basis for a new poetry , I do n't mean the vers libre movement as it was in the year 1912 . )
5 A new agenda , centred on citizens ' rights and democratic reform , selective government intervention , environmental protection and a more positive role in Europe would provide the basis for a new progressive majority .
6 For a separate currency area like the UK , a weak balance of payments may amount to the basis for a depreciating currency .
7 Sixty-two MPs , equally divided between Christians and Muslims , have been in this Saudi resort for the past two weeks examining a ‘ National Reconciliation Charter ’ drafted by Arab League mediators as the basis for a permanent peace .
8 It is the basis for a range of ocean-going ferries and cargo vessels that Japanese shipbuilders hope to sell in a decade 's time .
9 It is in the life and fragrance of that person , Jesus of Nazareth , that we have a pattern of care and love for all things which can be the basis for a discipleship that takes in a holistic approach to life .
10 Beethoven is very difficult because in the forte parts you don , t have something to lean against ; it 's always that the strings play tremolo or very fast , which is n't really the basis for a sound .
11 One foreign broker said this week 's plunge in share prices , had knocked the last breath out of the speculative binge of the second half of the eighties , which inflated asset values , and laid the basis for a proper recovery .
12 As Hannah Arendt has shown , in times of crisis the existence of a formless mass can become the basis for a totalitarian dictatorship ; in times of prosperity it can lead to an all-encompassing smugness and self-satisfaction and to the existence of a regime which knows no criticism , no control and , above all , no real opposition and thus no arguments which contain alternatives .
13 The academic scientist who seeks and identifies a new chemical messenger is providing his industrial colleagues with the basis for a whole new range of drugs , and the industrial pharmacologist who screens a range of new chemical entities and finds one which alters the behaviour of the brain is offering a new tool for his academic brethren .
14 On the Isle of Axholme , where little wool was produced , hemp was the basis for a spinning and weaving industry , which Provided a useful sideline for the average peasant , and a basic livelihood for the poor .
15 The French system gives the observer more confidence than the UK system does that a more thorough assessment has been made by the French of comparative natural handicaps which is then used as the basis for a comprehensive system of support .
16 ‘ It is suggested that this grammar should provide the basis for a year 's study of Spanish .
17 After discussions with the client , a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model .
18 To develop a list of questions in a structured way as the basis for a second round of fact-finding , a root definition was formulated for each sub-system of the post-ERA model , and a series of second level models constructed .
19 Consequently , a Filing Working Party was established and , alter extensive examination of the reference construction , it was found that the only changes considered viable ( ie that could be made without having to completely revise the titles of some 60,000 active files ) were to the first three fields of the reference structure , establishing the basis for a limited computerised search facility in the proposed index system , rather than the extensive facilities envisaged by the FAOR Team .
20 Each domain is subdivided into a hierarchy of categories , which provide the basis for a set of objectives for a given piece of learning .
21 This could later provide the basis for a role play or discussion session in the classroom .
22 Children often bring a new toy or special gift they have received to show their teacher and friends , and this may become the basis for a collection , as may something as simple as a pretty sweet wrapper or even an old shoe .
23 The goal was to establish the basis for a generally applicable traffic management system and to demonstrate the likely benefits in accident reduction .
24 Edouard de Chavigny , his most loyal and discerning client , had the basis for a collection that one day would be rivalled only by Paul Mellon and the New York Museum of Modern Art .
25 This could form the basis for a more detailed check-list which might read as follows :
26 On the two biggest international issues confronting the UK — the resurgence of German power and the ecological threat — there is equally little that any party is prepared to do : the former is the basis for a future stability of the EC , the latter has already reached such ominous proportions that , as is evident in the evasions preceding the Rio summit , governments the world over are hiding their heads in the sand .
27 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
28 The completed painting could now exist in its own right or become the basis for a larger studio painting .
29 The general consensus between the leaders of the Conservative and Labour parties made easy the initial reckless imposition of ‘ direct rule ’ from Westminster and at every subsequent stage has provided the basis for a bipartisan policy under which the party in opposition has supported the measures taken in Ulster by the one in office .
30 2 The purpose of this script is to provide the basis for a video which will be used to teach English as a foreign language and as such is based on the syllabus of — by — .
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