Example sentences of "the same position in " in BNC.

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1 Using conditional probability theory they suggest that the accuracy of maps resulting from overlay analysis is determined by the number of map layers , their accuracy and the coincidence of errors at the same position in several map layers .
2 For example , it might seem curious that a member of the RICS could be a director of a commercial company offering a range of services to the public , yet not be permitted to occupy the same position in a company offering the very skill for which he has been trained .
3 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
4 The minister , whose evidence led to the collapse of the Matrix Churchill court case this week , took the same position in writing .
5 The point is that Carter USM are in the same position in America as they were in Britain two years ago , constantly gigging and doing pithy radio plugs to make their mark .
6 France was pushed to the same position in part because of the above considerations , and in part as a consequence of the French presidential election of 1965 in which de Gaulle , because he failed to win an absolute majority and was forced into a second run-off election against his nearest contender , suffered a not inconsiderable loss of prestige .
7 In this sense , they may have occupied the same position in the Minoan religious system as angels and demons in the Christian belief-system in medieval Europe .
8 Thus disputes between brothers and sisters ( who in a formal sense are in the same position in respect of their claims to a parent 's estate ) is one of the situations where serious conflicts do arise .
9 People who superficially are in the same position in a family — brothers and sisters , mother and fathers — are likely to define their responsibilities very differently and , perhaps more importantly , to be expected by others to define them differently .
10 There is no real difficulty in accepting the functional equivalence of variants such as lt ] and [ ? ] if they can occupy the same position in a set of words ( such as the syllable final position in bat , pit , hot ) without replacement of one by the other altering the semantic form of any item .
11 Furthermore , we produced recombinants carrying a copy either of oligo III or oligo I at the same position in plasmid pBLcat2 .
12 in March 1650 in the same position in the expedition dispatched to Portugal against Prince Rupert [ q.v . ] .
13 Make a list of words for each of the two sounds in the same position in the word , as much as possible keeping the environment the same and the lists consistent .
14 But my location 321762 is in precisely the same position in my cells as your location 321762 is in your cells .
15 Myles skipped a Dunbarton rink to an Irish fours championship last season and has been very impressive in the same position in the PGL U25 championship .
16 Thereafter , however , all subsequent initial keywords must start at the same position in the line as HEADER-FORMAT-IS .
17 Thereafter , however , all subsequent initial keywords must start at the same position in the line as HEADER-FORMAT-IS .
18 Thereafter , however , all subsequent initial keywords must start at the same position in the line as HEADER-FORMAT-IS .
19 For He could swim across the river : This also involves the intra-infinitival virtual person occupying the same position in time as the actual person which specifies its rank contained in the auxiliary , but here the virtual person is conceived as the support of a potentiality and not of an actualization .
20 The similarity of the central flower in mosaic 7 with that in the same position in mosaic C is more compelling .
21 The daggerboard is raised slightly from the same position in lighter winds because the boat 's sailing faster .
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