Example sentences of "the same [noun sg] rate " in BNC.

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1 The stream of expected earnings is discounted in precisely the same way as the stream of expected dividends using the same discount rate ( because the discount rate applies to the risk class of the activities of the entire firm ) .
2 Mr Edmonds said all companies would have to pay the same base rate so they could not complain of unfair competition .
3 It is this interest differential that distinguishes euro-dollars from domestic dollars ; both have the same exchange rate against other currencies .
4 you do n't get do n't get you do n't get the same exchange rate do you ?
5 But because a given change in performance has less effect on fitness later in life , we expect deleterious mutations to cause a greater drop in fertility and survival probability later in life , assuming the same mutation rate for each age .
6 Figure 21.14 compares laminar and turbulent mean velocity profiles , firstly for the same flow rate and secondly for the same pressure gradient .
7 Because of the small number of women completing 24 cycles or more the suggestion in our data that both groups will eventually have the same pregnancy rate , must be interpreted with caution .
8 Thus , everyone may have the same wage rate , w , per hour and the same unearned income , M , but there may be differences in the tastes for leisure leading to differences in hours worked , L. As a result , measured income may vary — even though all individuals have the same endowments and market opportunities .
9 The variable factor ( labour ) must earn the same wage rate in both industries in competitive equilibrium .
10 Obviously , we that right , people will still move if unemployment 's high , but if you try , if the government tries and gets rid of unem urban unemployment , say people have moved because of it , so there 's unemployment there to start with because of the reasons we 've discussed earlier , so then the government said okay , well let's get rid of the unemployment that has occurred already , by erm , either , at the same wage rate trying to well yes , the same , they 'll keep wage rates the same , but erm , increase , you know , make the public sector bigger or , or do something to create urban jobs , and basically all it will do is , encourage more migrants because they 'll see the probability of getting a job will increase so the expected wage will increase so you 'll get migration on top of what 's already occurring .
11 The guaranteed two per cent bonus applies on all the interest rate tiers , so small savers are rewarded with the same bonus rate as the bigger savers .
12 In terms of hazard , a procedure causing a serious complication in one out of 1000 individuals may be acceptable in clinical practice , but if in screening a procedure with the same complication rate reduced the incidence of the disorder sought by 50% in a population with an incidence of that disorder of two per 1000 , then there would be no net benefit .
13 Assume , purely for ease of calculation and exposition here , that the rival can achieve the same learning rate , that demand is not price-sensitive and that , if the rival enters the market , sales will be divided equally between the two rival companies .
14 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
15 But this full equilibrium position , at C , is inferior to the one at which inflation is zero and unemployment is equal to its natural rate , point B. This is clear from the fact that both have the same unemployment rate , but point C has a higher inflation rate ; it is also indicated by the fact that at point C the popularity of the government is lower than it is at point B. We therefore have the odd result that the position which is optimal , point B , is not feasible , whereas the position that is feasible is sub-optimal .
16 We still charge the same interest rate that the bank would do because of course it 's costing us that from from the bank on our own funds .
17 Should nationalized industries use the same interest rate as private firms ?
18 Unless the nationalized industries use the same interest rate as private firms , there will be misallocation of investment resources between the private and the public sector : society can gain by reallocating resources to the sector with the higher rate of return .
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