Example sentences of "the trip [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The inevitable domestic dramas ; the illnesses ; the school exams ; the trips to casualty departments of hospitals ; the entertaining of foreign exchange schoolchildren ; the ferrying to and fro to Brownies , school camp , music lessons , the station ; the constant coming and going of teenage friends ; the battle of the telephone : it is all so familiar to every parent , and it is so exhausting !
2 The trips to Venice and Verona , are always popular .
3 To make the trips to Ferdi worthwhile , I usually take three horses up and have lessons one afternoon , stable the night , and have lessons the following morning before travelling home .
4 There were reports that the coal used on the trip of Sunday September 22 has proved to be unsatisfactory and better things were predicted during coaling and watering of the locomotives at Aberystwyth .
5 Cars and drivers were then flown to India for the trip between Delhi and Bombay , followed by another airlift from Bombay to Perth and finally , an eight day race to the finish in Sydney .
6 The alarm was raised when the party failed to complete the trip between Lyme Regis and Charmouth .
7 And also the , the , the trip into Lowood was also frightening .
8 By closing time the place was like an alcoholic Turkish bath , and leaving it for the trip over Stonesdale Moor in the lashing rain was a sore wrench indeed .
9 The trip through Pakistan and India was very hot and bumpy , with immense paperwork for Customs and airport authorities .
10 The couple have no car , so the trip across town has to be made by bicycle or on foot .
11 Ill be writing soon to test the water — but the trip up wont be until at least 15/11 , and before 2/12
12 Ill be writing soon to test the water — but the trip up wont be until at least 15/11 , and before 2/12
13 An off-duty cop spotted him slumped in the driver 's seat fumbling to find the ignition button to start the trip to Penzance .
14 Certainly Dr Darnell 's account of the trip to Wetherby 's room with clothes coincides neatly with Lee Horan 's recollections .
15 As a septuagenarian , he made the trip to Ireland on the back of his son Eon 's motor-bike to find the Killarney Fern — long since believed gone from its single recorded site on Moel Hebog in Snowdonia .
16 He would n't risk it , not with his whole soul set on the trip to Ireland .
17 Oh , just one little notice I do have that erm several of us are going on Thursday to the , on the trip to Docklands by the erm erm Rotary Club of Sawbridgeworth erm I 'm told that there are still one or two odd seats if anybody wants to come at the last minute er , he does n't anticipate he 's going to erm fill them so even if , late Wednesday night you suddenly find you are available , by all means , contact and I 'm sure it can be arranged .
18 By comparison to what Top Class undertook earlier this year , the trip to Paris will seem like a canter up the road .
19 A hefty contingent of English spectators had made the trip to Paris to support Mill Reef , and at the off his price on the Pari-Mutuel was 10–7 on .
20 While directors like Ken Russell and Nic Roeg carried on along their own idiosyncratic paths , and many of the directors who had flourished in the 1960s packed their bags for the trip to LA , there were no indications that those left behind had begun to face up to the economic realities of British film production , or what would have to be done to patch up the damage done to the craft of filmmaking , more particularly screenwriting , during the dead times of the 1950s and into the 1960s .
21 Whether course of employment in a particular statute should include a tea break or the trip to work may be better decided by a tribunal staffed with a lawyer chairman and ‘ wing ’ members representing the interests of trade unionists and employers rather than the ordinary courts .
22 He then wrote A Handbook of the Trip to Liverpool in which he gave every detail of the excursion .
23 Saturday 's abandoned match at Morley will probably have to be played the next week , followed by the trip to Liverpool St Helens on the final Saturday of the season .
24 For any of you making the trip to Florida next year and finding yourselves on the Gulf Coast anywhere near St Pete 's beach , a visit to MULLIGAN 'S SUNSET GRILL must be included .
25 ‘ We were talking about the trip to Rome after Easter , ’ said Sophia , pouring out a cup of stewed tea for Mark .
26 ‘ We were talking about the trip to Rome just now , ’ said Sophia , going into Ianthe 's room with the tray .
27 Chickens were being counted even before Wednesday 's 3-0 victory over Northern Ireland , and the inventory was completed when Jack Charlton received congratulatory telegrams from the Taoiseach , Charles Haughey , and other luminaries including Liam Brady , who will miss the trip to Italy after falling out with Charlton last month and announcing his retirement from international football .
28 Even after such a long absence from home , Leopold could not bear to waste any opportunity of showing off his brilliant children , so , instead of going straight back to Salzburg , they took a tortuous route through Dijon , Lyons , Switzerland , Donaueschingen and Augsburg to Munich , where Leopold even contemplated extending the trip to Italy .
29 The trip to Italy went well as did the few days when one of the twins , ( full name Alexander ) was with us .
30 ‘ Arazi came to today 's race after enduring all sorts of problems — the trip to America for the Kentucky Derby , a hard race at Ascot when he was n't right and an injury which stopped him running two weeks ago .
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