Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The situation is changing now as young people with skills are becoming more in demand in the labour market with the falling youth population .
2 A number of courses , which are operating now in institutions in Europe and were described in TEP'92 , can be seen to fit within this framework .
3 Under the leadership of Frau Gisela Klötzer and Frau Gabi Christ-Schröder , we have put together a team of students in their third semester of training who are looking forward with excitement to their performances in England .
4 Successful and loving couple Jessie and Mark are looking forward to life in their new love-nest .
5 She said lightly , ‘ Because you are looking more at ease with me .
6 You are looking especially for cracks in walls , bulging or leaning walls and chimney breasts ; damp , and rotting or infested wood ; signs of movement , or subsidence ; bulging or sagging floors and ceilings ; broken , soft or hollow plaster ; blocked or inadequate drains , ; adequate and safe water , gas and electrical services .
7 As with centesimal , if we see that the patient 's symptoms are relapsing frequently in spite of repetition , a deeper complementary remedy will be needed , because it 's not the potency that is at fault but the choice of remedy .
8 She phoned this morning and I said I ca n't come and collect it cos I 'm here by myself she said oh I 'll bring it in , that 's alright , no problem but er we 're going away to Gloucester at two o'clock
9 We 're going away in October by the way
10 WE 'RE moving smoothly into gear with our great series of phone-in car contests .
11 Yeah , er if that 's the case then I , I think we will increase what we 're doing there in line with six five nine er four
12 We 're coming forward in time by about 5 years this month .
13 Well , I think we 're talking here about hospitals in particular and not GP practice but we 're also saying that this is something which the enthusiastic and bright and very capable people we have in our health service are very keen on because they believe it will do better for their patients .
14 Yes , they 're sitting here with tomes in front of them .
15 Yes , yes , And you 're sitting there in front of a client , checking that you 've got smoker and not non-smoker etcetera , etcetera .
16 All Hanne knows is that the two of them are staying somewhere in Copenhagen for an indefinite period . ’
17 As we have already mentioned , it makes no difference whether you are flying visually in relation to the natural horizon , or , solely by reference to the Artifical Horizon and Performance Instruments ; the control of your performance is exactly the same , a combination of performance and power .
18 If your memories are stirring uneasily around thoughts of the odious and contemptible graverobbing expedition of a few years back to try and recover Mallory and Irvine 's ‘ camera and other remains ’ , forget it .
19 We are asking now for answers to the second question .
20 We are doing well with dog-fighting in spite of its illegality , and we are making progress with a few speculative lines such as cave diving , simulated extreme skiing and Russian roulette .
21 They 're keeping quiet at the moment saying simply that they 've invested a lot in new technology and models , and their cars are doing well against others in the country .
22 Assumptions about the nature of the professional/client relationship will have to change significantly , if professionals are going to keep pace with the changes which are coming increasingly from sources beyond their control .
23 It shows almost half the people are spending less on clothes for themselves , three out of 10 spend less on food , about a quarter find it hard to pay regular bills on time , and 43 per cent plan to spend less this Christmas .
24 " I 'm turning Left onto track Minus 50° "
25 " I 'm turning Left onto track Minus 50° therefore RC will show 0° Plus 50° or 180° Plus 50° when I reach track " .
26 Most of the time I 'm staring fixedly at stuff like Opposite of small ( 3 ) or Not dirty ( 5 ) .
27 Another point which has n't been taken up , despite us being invited to is why is the Greater York area the size that it is , and this is a point that the Senior Inspector raised , er in other towns and cities , I 'm thinking particularly of Exeter for example , the districts have looked at supplying their city based land supply problems on a journey to work area , now that area would be significantly greater than we 're looking at here , and it seems to me in this location er where we see a potential abundance of supply beyond the strict confines of the Greater York area is a very apposite question to ask , why is the Greater York area the area that it is ?
28 I 'm thinking now in terms of hotel rooms and the availability of hotel rooms and motels .
29 And I 'm thinking now in terms of local radio .
30 It should be remembered that in this chapter we are dealing only with stress within the word ; this means that we are looking at words as they are said in isolation , which is a rather artificial situation — we do not often say words in isolation , except for a few such as ‘ yes ’ , ‘ no ’ , ‘ possibly ’ , ‘ please ’ and interrogative words such as ‘ what ’ , ‘ who ’ , etc. , but looking at words in isolation does help us to see stress placement and stress levels more clearly than studying them in the context of continuous speech .
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