Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Are building programmes for the next financial year drawn up in time to be available to managers before holidays are allocated ?
2 Or suppose that I am eating escargots for the first time and can not bring myself to forget the disgustingly slimy look and feel of snails in the garden .
3 They are wrecking amendments of the worst type .
4 But there is no need to send a market counterparty notice to another SFA member if both are trading members of the same investment exchange .
5 In the meantime , members of the Census Dissemination Unit are writing articles for the national and local newsletters produced by Manchester Computing Centre and giving papers in which the data and its limitations are evaluated .
6 The HCIMA moderators are responsible to the Association , through the Education and Development Committee , for maintaining standards , for interpreting and implementing HCIMA assessment and examination regulations and for ensuring that centres are operating programmes to the required standard .
7 I shall be meeting the representatives of the Standing Conference of Principal Youth and Community Officers for the London and south-east Region on 17 December , and I am meeting representatives of the British Youth Council and the Scout Association in the near future .
8 There are dissenting voices among the 360 women undergraduates at Somerville , but the vast majority want to preserve the college 's single sex status .
9 There are dissenting voices among the 360 women undergraduates at Somerville , but the vast majority want to preserve the college 's single sex status .
10 AT a time when there are searching questions about the medical aspect of the sport , it may seem unfortunate that a man who suffers from a disability is fighting for a world title .
11 I am enclosing tickets for the new play and as they are in the front stalls , I may see you as I come on , ; but do not expect me to salute you , you understand , as I shall be taken up with my part .
12 We 're building shops for the new town .
13 The police say they 're considering charges against the 3 youths , but add that the youths now realise how foolish they were to fire the replica in the street and are deeply sorry for frightening the family .
14 ‘ You see , ’ he began , ‘ Edward wo n't let George in his room 'cos of the war and Zach ses they 're knittin' boots in the sittin' room and the twins ses they might , only … ’
15 Hitched no more to the hay-bale and wagon-wheel trappings long associated with country , and without so much as a yee-ha , these performers are selling albums by the million and crooning all the way to the bank .
16 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
17 You are holding letters from the great Henry Cavendish .
18 Observers are expecting multi-processors beyond the current 4-processor models , but whether these will be 88100 or 88110 machines is currently unclear .
19 However , the majority of people will still retire without any formal support , and it is likely that the counsellor will be involved with those who are experiencing problems in the post-retirement period .
20 Since magistrates are no longer able to make approved school orders , it appears that some are sending children to the higher courts for possible custodial sentences .
21 We still are in some necessity of joiners and coopers and any trades ; for the rest , we are buying slaves from the same merchants who put in to anchor here and take on our water and our salt .
22 You should read this section if you are installing FMS for the first time , or are not sure if you have sufficient global sections and global pages available .
23 Japanese companies continue to find the going extremely tough in the workstation business , where American companies led by Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co continue to make all the running , so defensive alliances are becoming essential , and Sony Corp and NEC Corp shared a platform last week to say that they are joining forces in the Japanese workstation market to enable Japanese language applications written for either of their MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC-based workstation families — NEC 's EWS4800 and Sony 's NEWS — to run on the other .
24 We end this month with a report in the Daily Star about topless bathers on the Greek Island of Kos , who are having problems with the local fish .
25 And I think first of all , make sure you 've got it right , make sure you are doing things for the right reasons , and you are concerned about the right issues , but then , shout about it from the rooftops .
26 They do not understand how they are harming earnings in the long run .
27 If on the other hand they are not sitting in that capacity , it was agreed that they are performing functions in the public domain , and judicial review would in principle be available .
28 From this brief account , it will be apparent that the retina and primary visual cortex are performing computations on the visual input .
29 ‘ I 'm selling subscriptions to the twentieth century . ’
30 I 'm playing knights of the round table ’
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