Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] in the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Candidates are registered in the first instance as supervised postgraduate students .
2 Applicants are registered in the first instance as supervised postgraduate students ; this initial period will count towards the minimum period of study for the degree .
3 Hybridisation of SstI digested DNA with the 450bp SstI-XhoI probe C ( figure 1 , right ) further resolved the strongest hypersensitive site ( HS5 ) into two subsites , HS5A and HS5B , which are 100bp apart and are situated in the first intron around position +3600bp ( relative to the cap site ) .
4 Model conversations are intended in the first instance , for mimicry-memorization , to help the student to use freely the common expressions in the language .
5 The Samukhela , people who are always harking back to the good old pre-independence days and want to emigrate , are addressed in the first song : ‘ But Samukhela when you get there you 'll think of home — the home of Africa … you 'll miss your mother you 'll miss your father ’ .
6 The Samukhela , people who are always harking back to the good old pre-independence days and want to emigrate , are addressed in the first song : ‘ But Samukhela when you get there you 'll think of home — the home of Africa … you 'll miss your mother you 'll miss your father ’ .
7 Shipments of products meeting their standards are expected in the first half of 1994 .
8 Nevertheless , in the restless whirl of Disney expansion that is itself something akin to a rollercoaster ride , the six Euro Disney hotels , 4500 cast members , golf course and 30 separate attractions are all on schedule for the opening in April and 11 million visitors are expected in the first year alone .
9 These options and their relative merits are considered in the first sub-section .
10 That you 're greeted in the first place with erm either silence or some vague and not singularly hopeful mutter , but more importantly with a curious facial expression mingled between erm dread and contempt , sort of thing you 'd expect as if you 'd said you were a sorcerer .
11 The agency will ensure that resources made available by reductions in defence spending — reductions already planned by the Conservative government — are used in the first instance for rebuilding and investing in our manufacturing base .
12 One way around this particular problem would be to adapt the approach recommended by the Canadian Sentencing Commission ( 1997 ) , in which guide-lines are used in the first instance simply to indicate offences for which the presumptive sentence would ( or would normally ) involve a community sanction , and those which would ( or would normally ) involve a custodial penalty .
13 Monthly mailings are no use at all , and ideas are needed in the first instance rather than completed material .
14 The real question is why the scalper 's services are needed in the first place .
15 During the addition of user data , dangling cross-references , perhaps reflecting the order in which data is added , are flagged in the first pass and only after a second pass to re-check citations is the possibility of rejection considered .
16 Their structures are shown in the first diagram .
17 Most of the details about Eleanor and her relations with Edward , including his attempts to subjugate Scotland , symbolically signified by his removing the Stone of Scone to London , are found in the first volume of that small classic , Agnes Strickland 's Lives of the Queens of England ( 1864 ) .
18 Some of the problems inherent in the sociological study of crime are illustrated in the first reading in Chapter 5 ( pages 76–77 ) .
19 Normally courses in three subjects are taken in the first year and , commonly , these are followed by second courses in at least two of the subjects in the second year .
20 Three subject courses are taken in the first year , two or three in the second and one or two in the third to make seven in all .
21 The syllables ‘ nagement ’ are repeated in the first line of the next page .
22 Human existence , for Marx and Engels , occurs in terms of people 's concepts , which are incorporated in their mode of life and their subjective experience , but it is from man 's interaction with nature and from the history of this interaction that these ideas , beliefs , and values are created in the first place .
23 Arrive home , carry first boxful in , go out again to car where Henry and Harriet are engaged in the first barney of Xmas , and to my horror hear front door slam behind me .
24 Modules in the underpinning discipline of Microbial Technology , Biocatalysts and Gene Manipulation are studied in the first year .
25 Other competition matters are handled in the first place by the Office of Fair Trading , which can , under the Competition Act , seek undertakings from firms to desist from certain anticompetitive practices .
26 Departments are established in the first place by Act of Congress and they remain subject to Congressional oversight .
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