Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As each financial year passes , the bow-wave does , indeed , dissipate as research and development programmes meet snags ; as decisions are delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees ; as procurement contracts slip behind schedule ; and as units expend less than they asked for due to similar delays in their day-to-day training and operations .
2 Who will pay compensation if one operators ' trains are delayed by a breakdown of a train by another operator ?
3 ‘ I am fascinated by the idea of focus .
4 I am fascinated by the use of the English language , I do not wish to undermine it , but , as I would argue , it does overtly undermine 50 percent of its users ( i.e. women ) .
5 I am fascinated by the difference in the markings on ( some ) of these aircraft .
6 It may not be strictly within my remit , but I am fascinated by the amount of space that is being lavished , particularly by the Sunday Times , on the new list of ‘ The Best of Young British Novelists ’ .
7 Onerous responsibilities are heaped upon the man in the White House , but many obstacles are placed in his way as he attempts to meet those responsibilities .
8 Bedrooms and lounges are furnished in a variety of styles ranging from Louis XIII to Louis XV .
9 The rooms of the museum are furnished in the style of the period , with important collections of authentic period furniture , silver , china and art .
10 At this time of year , the twigs , branches and tree trunks are emphasized by a fall of snow , with a reflection in the stream beneath .
11 The songs are produced by males when they rub their wings together , and are heard by the female through the ears on her front legs ; they are familiar to us from night-time walks , or the vicarious experience of the cinema .
12 The paths through the graph are calculated through a process of graph reduction .
13 These are calculated on the value of the investments held in the trust ( measured on their own offer and bid prices ) , the brokerage costs and stamp duty .
14 Monthly repayments are calculated on the difference between the selling price ( less the deposit ) and this final payment .
15 This is certainly significant at the 1 per cent level , though we must bear in mind that these expectations are calculated on the basis of a purely random distribution of sites , which may not be quite true in practice .
16 Payments are calculated on the basis of the worker 's age , length of continuous service , and pay .
17 They are a form of taxation levied on local property , and are calculated on the basis of the rent at which the property might reasonably be let .
18 Ages are calculated at the beginning of the tax year .
19 Ages are calculated at the beginning of the tax year .
20 These are calculated from a knowledge of the material properties , and the loading and working conditions .
21 These are calculated from the number of students registered for each module together with its size , single or double , rather than from class hours .
22 If , if anybody is interested , these unemployment rates are calculated by the number of unemployed as a percentage of the estimated total of the workforce , the sum of the unemployed claimants , employees , and call it self-employed , H M Forces and participants in work related training programmes .
23 If you are dismissed at the end of your first year , concentrating on the terms of the contract leads to the conclusion that you ordinarily worked in Great Britain , whereas looking at what actually happened leads to the opposite conclusion .
24 Moreover , if the purchaser wishes to rationalise the workforce he runs the risk of becoming liable for automatically unfair dismissals where employees are dismissed as a result of the transfer of the business .
25 The ‘ middle-class ’ witches are dismissed by the ascetics as a ‘ weird bunch of ecology freaks ’ .
26 Indeed , many vertical mergers are justified on the basis of internalising such information and transaction costs with the hope of reducing such costs .
27 Yet the prevailing treatment of women workers defines them as a particular and different sub-group of the general category ‘ workers ’ ( this parallels the role they are assigned in the study of deviance ) .
28 Women 's role and position in the social stratification system husband and wife working in a paid job or career ? vicarious role they are assigned in the sociology of stratification .
29 Work duties are assigned by the sergeant at the beginning of the shift in what is known as ‘ parade ’ when all members meet together , occasionally in the presence of senior officers .
30 While the men are invigorated by the fight in the world outside , strengthened by coming face to face with the enemy , we women sit at home and darn . ’
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