Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Thus while most of the blues-derived techniques I have mentioned appear to set the music in opposition to mainstream musical language ( including that of many contemporary pop songs ) , they are developed in such a way as to lay stress on individualistic virtuosity and personal expression , achieved through ‘ professional ’ mastery of instrumental technique ; and this could be seen as at least compatible with the traditions of bourgeois art .
2 Though her job is to translate as faithfully as possible , this process is replicated in her mind by ‘ bad copies ’ in which analogous discursive systems are conjoined in such a way as to emphasize disparities between them or unexpected parallels .
3 Thus the skills , knowledge and qualities of individuals appointed to the institution are formulated in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of institutional aims .
4 Because they are designed to justify certain propositions , the questions they ask are formulated in such a way as to prompt the desired answers .
5 Indeed , montage plays a crucial role in enriching the reader 's view of reality , for narrative units are arranged in such a way as to create an interplay , so that they bring fresh perspectives to bear on one another and are mutually illuminating .
6 In hexagonal ice the water molecules are arranged in such a way that they form an open lattice structure which produces puckered layers of hydrogen-bonded water molecules ( Figure 8 ) .
7 This is the main purpose of this last part of Losing Out , and the proposals are broached in such a way as to appeal to a wider section of the electorate than the underclass alone .
8 Er , in a number of ways I think everybody will agree that it 's been improved by er the er demolition of the terrace blocks , rather than refurbishment and the opportunity has been taken to create erm perhaps a a more comfortable relationship between bungalows that are about to be refurbished and the new houses , because the new houses are designed in such a way as to keep the scale down so whereas the terraced blocks were anything up to four storey , the new houses will only be two storey and in a number of cases they will they will be a relatively low two storey so that erm I will just point out on the front elevations that the roof comes down fairly low relative to the first floor windows so that it 's not too much above the , the roofs on the bungalows , we 're not talking about compromising people 's heads on the internal though !
9 The Kuwait the Kuwait cities are designed in such a way that the military installations and erm are outside the country , so from the eyewitnesses that we receive that all the bombings are on the outskirts of the city , no damage to Kuwait City or to the civilians inside Kuwait .
10 Under our system , it falls to the police to ensure that such events are organised in such a way that disorder does not ensue , and that so far as is possible , the event can take place with as little dislocation to the ordinary life of the community as is compatible with the proper exercise of freedom of speech in public .
11 How will they repay their debt when the poorest of the poor are cheated in such a way ?
12 It not infrequently happens that ambiguous readings are related in such a way that in certain contexts one reading entails the other .
13 In short , statistics relating to old people are presented in such a way as to spread a great deal of gloom about the future , not only for the old themselves but for society at large .
14 The computer programmes which generate the simulations and diagnose their effects are written in such a way that almost any conceivable tax/benefit reform can be analysed .
15 Before the hon. Gentleman leaves that topic and because there is clear disagreement between his hon. Friends , will he acknowledge that the criteria by which the Department awards funds to the local authorities are framed in such a way that the widest traffic-calming measure that he wishes to introduce , not just for safety reasons , is not possible ?
16 Asian families , for the most part , are organized in such a way as to keep a firm control over their children , integrating them into a tightly knit web of relationships within the community where religious traditions remain strong and create in the members a respect for norms , seniority and morality .
17 The latter two groups are used in such a way that , vertically , there are semitonal conflicts at almost every moment .
18 Clauses 12 and 13 of Precedent 1 rely on the principles in that discussion to pass the test of reasonableness , and are drafted in such a way that they apply to all types of breach however caused ( including by reason of wilful default ) .
19 It is essential that the data are preserved in such a way that they continue to be accessible over time .
20 You should explain to them that it is your responsibility to ensure that contracts are exchanged in such a way that this scenario does not arise .
21 Rather , Poulantzas says , ‘ What makes them function concretely as a distinct class , as a social force , is in fact the historical phenomenon of Bonapartism ’ , thus seeming to imply that the two are interconnected in such a way that each can only exist in conjunction with the other .
22 The several fully adult males of these groups are ranked in such a way that only top rankers usually mate with females in the mating season .
23 Its front pair of fins are muscled in such a way that it can grasp the fronds of the weeds around it .
24 The cards are marked in such a way that stitches are transferred from right to left on some rows and from left to right on other rows , so avoiding a bias .
25 These combinations are computed in such a way as to concentrate the maximum amount of information in principal component 1 and the least in principal component 4 ( or 7 if TM data are used , for there are as many principal components as there are bands of imagery ) .
26 The Cores are defined in such a way as to embrace the entire built-up area of the main settlement and therefore include the contiguous suburbs as they existed in 1971 as well as the inner city areas ( see Champion et al . ,
27 One possibility is that conversational interactions are structured in such a way that they provide additional support for the induction of grammatical generalisations .
28 They are structured in such a way that while we feel our way visually into the space suggested by the subject our eyes are simultaneously being run up the picture by short thrusts in and out of a limited pictorial depth .
29 Acts of Parliament , designed to restrict the immigration of non-whites , are phrased in such a way that race is never mentioned .
30 Clearly , one aim is to ensure the election of a Parliament the House of Commons of which is of an efficient size , and the Members of which are elected in such a way that the vote of one elector is worth the same as another , neither more nor less .
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