Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The warblers ' own young are turfed out of the deeply cupped reed nest by the cuckoo chick soon after it hatches and the foster parents find themselves feeding an enormous monster with a huge red gape and insatiable appetite — a monster which will eventually grow to three times their size .
2 It matters not how many shirts and jumpers are tucked securely into the tightly tied waistband and excruciatingly buckled harness .
3 Sometimes vulnerable old people are caught up in a more general crisis such as a major road or rail accident , or other disaster .
4 These then go out into the environment , are reflected back in a multitude of different ways according to the objects encountered , are picked up by the most amazingly refined hearing organs , matched against an inner mind structure capable of interpreting this data as a full and complete three-dimensional world and used as a major sensory means of perceiving their watery or aerial world .
5 By contrast , death and decay are speeded up in the equally characteristic Peter Greenaway film , A Zed and Two Noughts ( 1985 ) , set mainly in a zoo .
6 Animals kept in captivity for biomedical research are stressed even under the most humane conditions .
7 However , and dimers are twisted out of a purely cis arrangement due to steric hindrance ( Fig. 2 ) .
8 The lace holes on his shoes are mapped out in a rather racy zigzag pattern , and he used to play in Patti Smith 's band .
9 The lace holes on his shoes are mapped out in a rather racy zigzag pattern , and he used to play in Patti Smith 's band .
10 The likelihood is not that the whole system is ‘ switched off , but that parts of it are turned off in a very unsystematic way .
11 One can only conclude that we are presented here with a deliberately unpoetical poem , an assault upon the cultivated reader 's exquisite sensibility .
12 Soon it was realized that these electrons must be coming from within the atoms themselves , and in 1911 the British physicist Ernest Rutherford finally showed that the atoms of matter do have internal structure : they are made up of an extremely tiny , positively charged nucleus , around which a number of electrons orbit .
13 This should not be particularly surprising since the main element has been price support for commodities such as grain and sugar which are produced principally in the more favoured farming areas .
14 Special Rapporteur Riphagen expounded what he termed the three parameters of relationship in international law which are set up by an internationally wrongful act .
15 Unusually for a city hotel , it is set around a lovely , lush private garden where sun-loungers are set out around the wonderfully secluded swimming pool .
16 All these ideas — each of which is in principle arguable — are compacted into two relatively short sentences and are linked together in a gradually unfolding argument .
17 The gardens are laid out in the most elegant manner and both the paintings and furniture are surprisingly fine .
18 Meals are eaten communally for the most part and we will meet together regularly for worship times .
19 A castle , a mansion and an inn in Austria provide a more directly Ruritanian setting for The House of the Four Winds but the coincidental meetings and puzzles of identity which engage Dickson McCunn and other characters from Castle Gay are worked out with a somewhat mechanical expertise .
20 In addition , some patients are admitted straight from the Out patient Clinic because they require immediate treatment .
21 Curiously , there is little mention of either chiral stationary phases or chiral chromatography , which are discussed later in the less relevant chapter on sample preparations .
22 Will the Minister consider holding a meeting with representatives of Hydro-power , which serves the most isolated communities in Scotland which are subjected regularly to the most severe weather conditions ?
23 These individuals are huddled together under the most unhygienic conditions , totally uncared for and quite frequently ill-treated …
24 However , if gains are kept offshore for a sufficiently long period of time , the return on investment may exceed the increased capital gains tax liability .
25 As full analysis may take several days to complete it is very important that it be carried out in a thermally regulated laboratory .
26 Equally , however , the farmer is entitled to demand that the countryside be viewed neither as a more extensive version of an urban recreation ground , nor as an arcadian idyll set aside for the pursuit of an indulgent atavism .
27 Research projects undertaken at OIES are initiated internally in a fully autonomous manner .
28 Some of the most important petrographic uses of CL are outlined below for the more common sedimentary rock types .
29 The elementary level of this text precludes detailed critical discussion of the relative merits of any particular treatment , and to avoid prejudicing the issue with personal comment the main ideas of each are outlined together with a more recent and possibly unifying approach to complete the picture .
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