Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The causes of weakness in adhesion are rather less understood at present than they are in cohesion but no doubt they are generally similar in character .
2 Many researchers come to the electronic version of the BL catalogue with experience of its printed version , and so are arguably more fitted by experience to know its idiosyncrasies and quirks .
3 Using a bar code reader and a suitable computer system greatly speeds things up of course , and the books of codes are presumably only needed for reference and checking purposes .
4 The modern paradox , that the areas of Yugoslavia which are most richly endowed with mineral resources and other industrial raw materials are the least economically developed , can only be understood in the context of the long centuries of neglect from which Yugoslavia south of the Danube-Sava line suffered during the Ottoman period .
5 Early mouse embryos and their component cells are most easily manipulated during fixation and immunocytological staining if stuck down to coverslips .
6 As many parts of the brain contain cells of varying size , which may not all be involved in the same functions , biases of this sort may determine which functions are most strongly associated with unit activity .
7 They are most widely known as company secretaries ( which is the function of roughly 20 per cent of the UK 's chartered secretaries ) .
8 It must be recognized that Donna Landry 's views on Leapor are most nearly justified in relation to this piece .
9 They have to be suspended from battens and are most often made from pre-finished , slotted insulation board , polystyrene or fibreglass .
10 Concepts and rules are most often taught by definition and description , and whilst this can be successful , given a good communication technique , it has the disadvantage of failing to produce generalisation .
11 The largest 25 producers account for more than 50% of the area planted and it is their names which are most often seen on merchant 's lists .
12 Designs on the screen are most often knitted from bottom to top , so looking for colours as they appear in the design from bottom to top and left to right is an accurate way of assessing where colours are brought into the work and their order .
13 They are most often found on drawer divans .
14 These Biros are most popularly given as Christmas presents .
15 Unfortunately , the industrial skills of the area are learned in the very businesses which are most harshly hit by taxation .
16 Thus , when the Board of Education issues its official Suggestions for Teachers handbook in 1910 it transmitted a clear message : ‘ … the high function of the teacher is to prepare the child for the life of the good citizen , to create and foster the aptitude for work and for the intelligent use of leisure , and to develop those features of character which are most readily influenced by school life , such as loyalty to comrades , loyalty to institutions , unselfishness and an orderly and disciplined habit of mind . ’
17 It is extremely painful for them to add to their burdens at a time when they are most hard pressed at work or with their own families .
18 Phil Philips , deputy secretary of the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association , said : ‘ People in the industry are much better educated about AIDS than they were in 1987 . ’
19 It also helps to vary the shapes of the flowers as well as their colours : for example , hydrangeas are much more pointed in shape than roses , and the petals of potentillas are widely spaced and so give a more pronounced petal shape .
20 Many commodity markets are institutionally well suited to speculation , having developed facilities for buying crops before they are harvested ( futures markets ) for small down-payments ( margin trading ) .
21 As has been shown , analysis of NCTs main 1979 survey results demonstrates that in general poorer people , less well educated people , those in lower social classes , old people and women rather than men are less well informed about credit , and more likely to use a type of credit out of habit or convenience rather than as a matter of rational choice .
22 Consequently some CMHC teams tend to focus on more articulate , well-organized , socially competent people in a transient state of distress and have less time for the more seriously disturbed and those with long-term disorders who are less readily engaged in treatment .
23 In markets having higher temperatures than the UK , the 37°C and 45°C conditions are less far removed from market conditions .
24 I , I do n't know the answer to that offhand , but it 's , I 'm inclined to think that erm at least by the time of the Republic there are things that some people are more naturally predisposed towards philosophy and other people are less naturally predisposed towards philosophy .
25 Instead of orderly motility patterns , which can be analysed relatively easily , irregular contractions occur that are apparently tandomly distributed in location and time .
26 Some of the levels of detail that are capable of expression using the method outlined are perhaps best left to implementation .
27 However , the British breeds are considered better for meat quality and taste and also for thrift and adaptability ; they remain in demand as sucklers , whereas the French and other large continental breeds are perhaps better suited as beef sires for commercial crossbreeding in dairy herds .
28 Where tax-free reserves are so closely linked to capital investment , the small firm finds a greater proportion of profits subject to tax and may therefore be subject to a higher marginal rate of taxation .
29 The horns , though they properly belong to the brass group , are so frequently used as part of the woodwind ensemble that we feel bound to include them in our consideration of this orchestral group .
30 What may be thought surprising is the absence of Celtic deities which are so well represented in stone sculpture and reliefs , especially in the west .
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