Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am grateful to him for gentle handling .
2 The beauty of this method is that it makes you aware of the most harmonic choices that are avaible to you on any chosen scale degree .
3 Er a , they are dependent on them in many ways , b , if they desert , they 're not acceptable to this society .
4 Your answers will provide you with general categories of physical activities that are appropriate for you at this time .
5 She said if you 're worried about him at all he must n't strain .
6 By ‘ Putting Herself in the Picture ’ she put her audience in the picture , and we are indebted to her for that .
7 In the four Ryder Cups in which I 've been the Captain Seve has played in every round and I 'm grateful to him for that .
8 " I 'm grateful to you for such an accurate statement of my beliefs . "
9 Viola Machin , torn between a desire to protest that she had nothing to hide , and a feeling that she had , said at last , reluctantly : ‘ Well , yes , that 's true : and I 'm grateful to you for that , Hilda . ’
10 Miles better probably than the Manager ever anticipated ; he 's delighted they 're up there , I tell ya and you know , it 's my old club and I 'm pleased for them in that way , but I wan na see us finish off well , but pass the ball .
11 Millions of pounds in jobs and portfolio are available to us with substantial opportunities for leads and sales commission .
12 I have already indicated in Chapter 2 that , even if we assume that true observational statements are available to us in some way , it is never possible to arrive at universal laws and theories by logical deductions on that basis alone .
13 The songs are produced by males when they rub their wings together , and are heard by the female through the ears on her front legs ; they are familiar to us from night-time walks , or the vicarious experience of the cinema .
14 In spite of widely different histories and circumstances , many of the joys and sorrows of church music all over the world are familiar to us in this country .
15 " Be honest with me about this .
16 They 've got piles over there er four double one two double two to call Action Line and er try and call before four o'clock this afternoon if you can for the er information about the firework displays that are near to you for more details about Fast Forward and details about A T O Training as well Nottingham four double one two double two for Radio Nottingham 's Action Line call before four .
17 Is exercise now joining the lengthening list of things that are bad for you after all ?
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