Example sentences of "of [art] reasons [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Do not take too much notice of the reasons put forward for the auction or put much store by claims of " no reserves on any of the items " .
2 Held , allowing the appeal , that where a driver was required to provide a specimen of blood or urine for one of the reasons set out in section 7(3) of the Act of 1988 , or claimed the right to provide such a specimen under section 8(2) , the constable was required by section 7(4) to inform him that the specimen was to be of blood or urine and that it was for the constable to decide which ; but that there was no requirement to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine ; that if the constable intended to require a specimen of blood , the driver was to be given the right to object on medical grounds to be determined by a medical practitioner or , if the requirement had been made under section 7(3) , for some other reason affording a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ within section 7(6) of the Act ; and that , accordingly , the requirement for the defendant to provide a specimen of blood had complied with section 7(4) ( post , pp. 885G–H , 890D–G , 891A–D , 895B–E , H — 896A ) .
3 Detailed research on local politics helps to indicate the complexity of practices and processes operating around the politics of local government , and hence points to some of the reasons underlying the recent diversity in local political activity .
4 One of the reasons underlying the inconsistent results with regard to the effect of familial sinistrality might be that this factor is likely to be confounded with family size ( Bradshaw , 1980 ) .
5 One of the reasons Shine On is running at York is to give Ibn Fayoud the chance to take a table at the bail .
6 In addition , derelict land was , until recently , being created faster than it could be reclaimed , Although there are areas of derelict land that should be retained for some of the reasons given by John Gordon , and research sponsored by the Department of the Environment has sought to identify these for appropriate use , there are still far larger areas that , due to the many constraints of the substrates that need to be overcome , are eyesores , health hazards and potential lethal risks to the communities that have to live surrounded by them .
7 For one of the reasons given by people for not complaining is that it is a waste of time to do so .
8 We also use the survey to examine the significance of small establishments as employers of temporary workers and the regional distribution of temporary employment , to give the personal characteristics of temporary workers — concentrating on their sex , age and marital status — and to discuss some of the reasons given by temporary workers for working on this basis .
9 Indeed one of the reasons given in Ridge v. Baldwin by Lord Reid for the demise of natural justice was the misunderstanding over the scope of certiorari .
10 Such a view lies at the heart of the reasons given by the writers of the National Curriculum consultative document ( DES , 1987 ) for a common curriculum in all state schools .
11 Mr Williamson , can I ask for your confirmation that the reason that the Secretary of State deleted Policy E two in the nineteen eighty structure plan was one of the many reasons under the heading , General , there is no specific reference in the notice of approval to the deletion of this policy and therefore I am assuming it fell for one of the reasons given in paragraphs five point two to five point four five .
12 Of the reasons given for not purchasing one , the most important were ( a ) an insufficient interest in the subject , and ( b ) the cost of the catalogues , the latter being of particular concern to a number of unemployed or student visitors .
13 Two of the reasons cast doubt upon the significance of figures in the budget , while the third throws suspicion on the use of the budget as the sole appropriate measure of burden or benefit ( see HM Treasury 1982 ) .
14 Equally , the management of motivation in education has been problematic — for many of the reasons identified at the start of this chapter .
15 ‘ Steve , one of the reasons you 've been quiet with me lately — ’ more than quiet , she thought , stone-cold , dead to me' — one of the reasons has been Joe , has n't it ?
16 Now , it is true that Byrne was a case , unlike the present , where the section 7(4) procedure came into play , not for any of the reasons specified in section 7(3) , but because the driver was entitled under what is now section 8(2) to claim that the breath specimens he had given be replaced ‘ by such specimen as may be required under section 7(4) . ’
17 First , it may be necessary because it is impossible or inappropriate to rely on specimens of breath for one of the reasons specified in section 7(3) .
18 Restating those views in summary form , in a case where the necessity to require a specimen of blood or urine under section 7(4) arises for one of the reasons specified in section 7(3) , what is required is no more and no less than the formula used in the instant case or words to the like effect .
19 One of the reasons found to explain the non-use of the lobon-gur solution was the lack of cooperation from the village practitioners .
20 ‘ It is one of the reasons advanced for the solution to the Marie Celeste mystery , that the flour might have been contaminated with ergot .
21 One of the reasons advanced for the absence of meaningful work for prisoners in some administrations is that of the resentment of the outside world .
22 Croom-Johnson J. plainly thought that he is ; one of the reasons advanced for accepting the contentions of the appellant was that , if the law were otherwise , the ‘ well meaning ’ defendant who went to the aid of the police and accidentally obstructed them would be guilty of an offence .
23 One of the reasons put forward by the report as justifying strict new import controls is the increasing role allegedly played by Switzerland as a transit centre for objects of doubtful origin , as well as the fact that the art trade has reportedly become a choice vehicle for money laundering , a subject about which the Swiss are especially sensitive .
24 Therefore , either they or the directive should be relied upon , but not both , that is not if relying on both means adding the weight of the directive to the force of the reasons justifying it when assessing the weight of the case for the directed action .
25 Ingenuity can sometimes suggest ambiguity or obscurity where none exists in fact , and if the instant case were to be thought to justify the exercise of combing through reports of Parliamentary proceedings in the hope of unearthing some perhaps incautious expression of opinion in support of an improbable secondary meaning , the relaxation of the rule might indeed lead to the fruitless expense and labour which has been prayed in aid in the past as one of the reasons justifying its maintenance .
26 Lord Oliver of Aylmerton commented that ‘ ingenuity can sometimes suggest ambiguity or obscurity where none exists in fact , and if the instant case were to be thought to justify the exercise of combing through reports of parliamentary proceedings in the hope of unearthing some perhaps incautious expression of opinion in support of an improbable secondary meaning , the relaxation of the rule might indeed lead to the fruitless expense and labour which has been prayed in aid in the past as one of the reasons justifying its maintenance ’ .
27 Hitherto many specialists opted out of the controversy by saying we have no way of knowing the internal temperature of dinosaurs because of the reasons mentioned above .
28 Nevertheless the only means at their disposal — cutting money wages — will fail to produce the required outcome for all of the reasons outlined above .
29 For an example of an unsuccessful allegation of partiality , see Midland Montagu Leasing ( UK ) Ltd v Tyne & Wear Passenger Transport Executive and Ernst & Whinney ( 1990 ) unreported , Chancery Division , 23 February discussed at 11.6.2. auditor 's lack of independence was relied on as one of the reasons to make an order under s459 of the Companies Act 1985 ( see 3.7 ) .
30 It then , in October , expressed its concern that a high proportion of courses in subjects other than business studies were being turned down , and it suggested that one of the reasons making it difficult for such courses to be approved might be that ‘ the Council 's present structure of honours and ordinary degrees was not so appropriate for courses in those fields ’ as in science and technology .
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