Example sentences of "be defined as the " in BNC.

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1 International law can be defined as the framework of legal obligations which states view as being binding upon themselves .
2 The areal interpolation problem can be defined as the transfer of data from one set ( source units or zones ) to a second set ( target units ) of overlapping , non-hierarchical areal units .
3 That realisation is a product of the power of rational thought which came to the emerging ‘ human' ’ being in the course of the evolutionary process , for it is in remote retrospect that man can now see that the division of the first cell was a ‘ good ’ event , and had to be defined as such for the unanswerable reason that it could not have been anything else , otherwise there was nothing that could be defined as the origin of ‘ good ’ that was not dependent on dogma and superstition .
4 Aromatherapy may be defined as the use of the natural scents and essential oils from a variety of trees , shrubs and flowers for assistance in the healing of dis-ease in the individual .
5 A labour market can be defined as the area in which buyers and sellers of labour services come into contact with one another .
6 The supply of labour can be defined as the quantity of labour services ( measured in person-hours ) offered for hire by individuals over a given time period .
7 The level of natural unemployment can be defined as the number of persons who are unemployed even when the labour market is in an equilibrium state : that is , when the total demand for labour is equal to the supply of labour at the prevailing level of real wage rates .
8 These needs and facilities are both part of the pedestrian environment , which might be defined as the interface between the walker 's personal ability to cope with environmental challenge , the location and accessibility of destinations , and the characteristics of the environment en route .
9 ‘ Theoretical reformism ’ can be defined as the belief that fairly minor changes in the surface forms of words are sufficient to solve the problem of sexism in language .
10 Nonetheless , implementation independence has had a powerful effect on AI thinking about metaphysical problems , and has been behind McCarthy 's insistence that AI must be defined as the study of intelligent mechanisms independent of their implementation in machines or brains , and hence to a general denial that AI is , in any strong sense , about machines .
11 Legislation might be defined as the making of general rules to govern future conduct ; under this definition , Public Acts of Parliament are the central case of legislation .
12 Dementia may be defined as the global impairment of higher mental functioning including the loss of memory , problem solving ability , the use of learned skills , the loss of social skills and emotional control .
13 Computational Linguistics could be defined as the study of computer systems for understanding , generating and processing natural language [ Grishman , 1986 ] .
14 Natural language semantics can be defined as the study of the meaning of utterances , and to this end a number of semantic theories have been proposed .
15 As remarked in the prologue , present-day algebra might be defined as the study of ( n-ary ) operations on sets ( n = 2 , but also 0 , 1 , 3 , 4 , … etc . ) .
16 Discourse , indeed , might be defined as the totality of all these elements interacting .
17 Indeed , communication might be defined as the conversion of new information into given information , and a successful communicator as a person who correctly assesses the state of knowledge of his or her interlocutor .
18 The future state can be defined as the vision for the organization or the strategic objectives of the change .
19 The basic syntagmatic lexical units of a sentence will be defined as the smallest parts which satisfy the following two criteria ;
20 Such a field is commonly organized according to the principle of style , which may be defined as the use of certain limited dimensions upon which the variability of a domain is expressed .
21 Taste is then seen principally as the cause of ‘ classism ’ , which can be defined as the kind of distaste the middle and upper classes feel for the vulgar in fun fairs , cheap commodities , artificial copies , or lack of style , and the contempt working people feel for the pretentious , cold and degenerate middle and upper classes .
22 Hence , the ratio decidendi of a case may be defined as the statement of law applied to the legal problems raised by the facts as found , upon which the decision is based .
23 An opportunity cost can be defined as the cost of the next best opportunity forgone .
24 This vicious circle tends to leave a ‘ rump ’ of inhabitants who are unable to run a car , many of whom could be defined as the ‘ transport poor ’ ( this term will be discussed below ) .
25 For instance , if there are two functions f and g defined on the set of all possible examples , and f can take the value a and g can take the value b , then one such cluster might be defined as the set of all examples x for which f(x) = a ∘ g(x) = b
26 Prerogative may be defined as the exceptional position of the king at common law .
27 The thematic stage may be defined as the conceptual framework within which the story is told , presented and performed .
28 Marketing can be defined as the way an organisation matches its human , financial and physical resources with its customers .
29 It may be defined as the complex body of shared values and beliefs of an organisation .
30 * the budgetary planning and control process may be defined as the establishment of budgets which relate the responsibilities of departments and employees to the requirements of plans and policies ; and the continuous comparison of actual results with the budgeted targets , so that the latter may be achieved , or amendments made to the objectives upon which they were based .
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