Example sentences of "be speaking to the " in BNC.

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1 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
2 I can see my life as a road , and I can go back on that road and see what I 've passed and come to terms with and what I have passed by without realising and appreciating ; how I 've stopped in various cafes on the way and met interesting people in them and had fascinating conversations when all the time I should have been speaking to the person on the next table instead . ’
3 One reason I was disappointed is because what it says in these minutes , Robert 's people reported they 'd been speaking to the R and Abbey Leisure Service in London that had been considerable interest in the Edinburgh Festival Programme and in everything
4 Another thing , perhaps , we should notice right at the very beginning is that Jesus did n't actually speak in pa , in in er , in chapters , and they 've lost , they 've been put in for our convenience , and chapter fifteen is not the beginning of a new incident Jesus had already been speaking to the people , he had been teaching them in chapter fourteen .
5 Then , in the same gentle tone she had heard Travis use when he had been speaking to the woman he loved , he murmured , ‘ Leith , my darling , I just ca n't keep it to myself any longer — do you mind ? ’
6 He spotted your sign , ’ Vitor said , with a nod towards it , ‘ so he 's been speaking to the locals and asking a few questions . ’
7 On his last day in New Zealand , in his valedictory address to the press corps , Irish manager Noel Murphy announced that ‘ when I get back to Dublin I will be speaking to the members of the IRFU involved in coaching , like former Irish coaches Syd Millar , Ronnie Dawson and Tom Kiernan , with our director of rugby , George Spotswood , with the various provincial coaches and with the coaches involved here in New Zealand , Ciaran Fitzgerald and Gerry Murphy .
8 In two weeks I shall be speaking to the people who worked for me and campaigned and raised money when I thought I was as good as dead and buried .
9 In a moment we 'll be speaking to the doctors who 've helped Bilal and Samir .
10 ‘ We are not at all pleased with them and we will be speaking to the college about what occurred . ’
11 After the break I 'll be speaking to the Gloucester rugby player , Mike Teague , about his selection for the British Lions Tour of Australia .
12 ‘ All right , ’ she spat , afraid of nothing now , resigned to being dismissed , ‘ I 'm speaking to the doctor !
13 Congress , I know I 'm speaking to the team , but it 's up to us and the activists who are not here to motivate our members and get this campaign off the ground and by supporting this motion , we will be putting the first foot on the ladder to defeating the government 's pay policy .
14 They were mixing and mingling , her guests ; the young were speaking to the old , men were speaking to women , Left was speaking to Right , art unto science , and only a few impossible old dullards of the financial world had drifted together to talk about pay comparability and public sector borrowing and the GNP .
15 Early this morning , officers were speaking to the man 's family to check on his movements before the incident .
16 ( Trevor Newsom is speaking to the President by satellite from Luctia , interposed Derek Carlisle. ) 'How do you feel about the collapse of interplanetary trade ? ’ asked Trevor .
17 as if she were putting the same reel of film back in the projector , she ran through the whole scene once again : she is speaking to the visitor , Paul is watching them with astonishment , and the guest is saying : ‘ In your next life , do you want to stay together or never meet again ? ’
18 He is speaking to the scribes , to the Pharisees .
19 He is speaking to the scribes and Pharisees .
20 ‘ The self is speaking to the self .
21 Cameron was speaking to the people nearest him , gathering suggestions , prompting , trying to draw in James Menzies , who looked sullen after his poor showing .
22 Somehow , even to my youthful reasoning , it was as though the past was speaking to the present , that something of the love between these two people still lingered .
23 ‘ I did n't realize it was the ‘ Queen of Casterbridge market ’ I was speaking to the other night .
24 He was speaking to the women , but looking at Goldman who was kneeling , head lowered .
25 ‘ Laura 's just an old friend , ’ he said , knowing it was hopeless , that he had blown it or rather that Laura had blown it for him , and found he was speaking to the back of her neck .
26 still had no prospects of employment and I do n't think er , er my parents had any erm particular ideas and my father who worked for erm Roads and Bridges Department was speaking to the Chief Clerk at that time , that was , er , his name was in fact and erm he was a very sympathetic character and er he said he 'd have a word with erm with somebody in the County Council and erm see if they could find me employment as a typist and erm using the argument of course that the Education Department had up to that time at the R N C erm paid the balance of the fees for my course , erm I could just mention to you that the scholarship was worth forty pounds a year fee .
27 The traffic along Western Avenue had been quiet , and it was only an hour and a quarter after leaving Oxford that Lewis was speaking to the Night Sister on the third floor of the hospital , a neat , competent-looking brunette who appeared rather more concerned about the unprecedented police interest in matters than in the medical condition of her most recent road-casualty , now lying behind a curtained bed in Harley Ward .
28 At that time P C then was speaking to the man telling him to get out of the bed .
29 Because , although Jesus was speaking to the people there , his words were not just for them , but they 're for us as well and these are conversations that we can well eavesdrop on and learn something , I 'm sure , for our benefit .
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