Example sentences of "be accepted [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For a long time it had been accepted that humans could not survive on worlds which were in orbit around any sun which was capable of being classed as a red giant .
2 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
3 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
4 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
5 It has long been accepted that people make jokes about what frightens them and that groups who feel oppressed use humour as a way of releasing negative feelings to those in power .
6 A £2.5m bid from Derby has been accepted but Short is stall-ing .
7 It has been accepted and constitutions issued to the effect that the trust is valid .
8 This very important fact has not been accepted and community care is still seen as a way of getting ‘ care on the cheap ’ .
9 When trainees are allowed to begin interviewing on their own under supervision they have already been accepted as CAB trainee advice workers , but in the GLCABS structure where candidates begin by observing the interviewing process they may not yet have formally passed the selection procedure .
10 The problem , as with the provenancing of clays , is that the whetstones have been accepted as evidence of trade from their quarry site as opposed to random stones selected from glacially deposited material ( the Drift ) .
11 In the end , it must be accepted that exports are produced through the co-operation , to a greater or lesser extent , of every enterprise in the economy .
12 It is to be accepted that tasks and programmes will have the character of ‘ experimental action ’ , and some of the experiment will fail , or end up with results different from those expected .
13 It must be accepted that standards set are real , attainable and to be attained .
14 It seems to be accepted that peers are not expected to contact the Lord Chancellor 's department before they speak extrajudicially in public .
15 It may be accepted that Althusser is describing science by its theoretical practice , its ‘ labour of theoretical transformation ’ , but this is not adequate to distinguish it from ideology as a practice .
16 No excuses or substitutes will be accepted and Mrs Thatcher herself will open and close proceedings .
17 The offer must be in writing , must state a Period of not less than 21 days within which it can be accepted and withdrawal of the offer before the end of the stated period is forbidden .
18 No deposits can be accepted or credit extended to US residents or corporations .
19 Their views trickled down through the student nurses ' years and were apt to be accepted as gospel , since that saved the students the bother of forming opinions for themselves , and also it was not often a student in her first couple of years , if not longer , had the opportunity to form any opinion on our men .
20 To be accepted as member there really would cap a memorable few years .
21 As a result , the ideology of the dominant class — or ‘ race ’ — comes to be accepted as self evident ‘ common sense ’ by large sections of society , including groups who would seem to have little to gain from them .
22 The arrival at the point where an hypothetical statement has to be accepted as fact in order to support efforts to rationalise a proposition , in this case a religion , is inevitable .
23 For in those matters which are beyond the reach of absolute knowledge , it is within the province of man 's own responsibility to decide what , for the time being , can be or can not be accepted as truth , and , as there can be a Created God , so can that God be the product of created truth .
24 Tony McClenaghan , a VAT Partner with accountants Touche Ross , said : ‘ From next March the basic functions of a holding company will no longer be accepted as business activities by Customs and Excise , and so there will be no right to deduct VAT incurred in carrying out takeovers , acquisitions , or defences against hostile bids .
25 Babergh hundred in Suffolk was possibly the most intensively industrialised district at the time ; while Rutland can with confidence be accepted as representative of the rural East Midlands , a region of mainly traditional farming , innocent of any industrial growth .
26 It is difficult to think of more threatening language than to say that political union must be accepted if countries wish to avoid being dominated .
27 Sid Field asked whether dead ones were accepted and John Stanley sent in a Bob Dylan song , saying he was the only ‘ modern whose lyrics I coul get my hands on without going back to the Bard , and I thought that was n't what you wanted ’ .
28 In the past , when houses were accepted as payment for death duties , the selection of the contents acquired with them tended to be made mainly on a museum-oriented scale of value , concentrating predominantly on items that were not only of high quality , but also usually an integral part of the design of a room .
29 One would expect that , all things being equal , clinical priorities would determine that the most serious cases are operated upon first , with broader and broader indications being accepted as funding becomes more widely available .
30 I think it is accepted that Gray failed to realise how poor the team was and then , to cap it all , with the worst defensive record in the League , he proceeded to spend £100,000 on rather an ordinary centre forward .
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