Example sentences of "be discussed at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
2 Despite plans for market integration in Latin America and between the United States , Mexico and Canada , it is only in relation to the European Community that integration can properly be discussed at present .
3 Their size can be assessed by comparing them with the original spread in the chronic sickness rates ; this will be discussed at length in the next section .
4 The truth is always best as it will stand up at later meetings when the topic will inevitably be discussed at length .
5 The meaning of general property will be discussed at length in Chapters 7 and 8 .
6 Detailed sale procedures are discussed at Section 0505.5 below and an example sale procedure suitable for issue with a Investment Overview is set out in Section 1102.10 .
7 The procedure for seeking access to information and the circumstances in which it may be denied are discussed at Chapter 16 , 10 .
8 The precise criteria and procedures whereby schools were included in the project are discussed at length elsewhere in this report , but we may note that a set of guidelines for school participation was drawn up and developed by the Project Coordinating Team ( see Appendix 3 ) and that these gave direction to schools as they established library committees and developed their plans .
9 Previously funds were distributed by the head after he had asked faculty heads to submit their ‘ bids ’ on behalf of the departments in their faculty and these bids had been discussed at faculty heads ' meetings .
10 The subject has been discussed at length over the past few weeks on Usenet , the international electronic-mail ‘ noticeboard ’ ( see ‘ Taking Liberties ’ , NSS , 19 July 1991 ) .
11 This is the reason why the matter has been discussed at length already by the Standing Committee , both in a Working Party and in a formal meeting .
12 This case has been discussed at length , especially in the literature on international trade ( see for example Jones , 1971a , and Magee , 1976 ) , and has been treated as representing the effects of unionization by Johnson and Mieszkowski ( 1970 ) .
13 The joint council of the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) member states and representatives of the European Communities held its third meeting in Kuwait on May 16 , and issued a statement noting that the EC 's proposed carbon tax [ see p. 38938 ] had been discussed at length , that GCC countries had expressed doubt as to its effectiveness in curbing emissions , and that negotiations on this topic would continue .
14 These aspects have been discussed at length by Davinson , Taylor , Urquhart , and Barker .
15 What happened at the end of 1962 has been discussed at length by others .
16 potential defects and doubts about long-term durability were discussed at length .
17 Maintenance of property , plumbing and gardens , particularly the ponds , were discussed at length , along with a request to permit our qualified accountant , Miss Muriel Jones ( Hon.
18 Its scope and meaning is discussed at pp96-97 .
19 The role and function of the guardian is discussed at Chapter 5 , 8 .
20 The field of immortality is discussed at length by all those who have been largely accepted as authorities on the subject .
21 This is discussed at length in Chapter 9 .
22 The timetable is discussed at length in the section on Organisation of study .
23 This latter fall is discussed at length in later chapters .
24 This correspondingly gave rise to a hole in the planned running length of the second season and was discussed at Department head level some months later .
25 When this matter was discussed at housing committee , I believe it 's only last week but it seems a lot longer ago , I spoke at some length about the errors and fallacies in the report arguing against a case that officers have put forward , pointing out mistakes and erroneous conclusions that seem to have been drawn from some very flimsy evidence .
26 This was discussed at length with Janet , after which it was agreed that the therapist would see her for the next 2 months at fortnightly intervals and that no more than one telephone call per week would be acceptable .
27 The question of the disabled was discussed at length in Standing Committee .
28 Increasingly with voluntary bodies , and I know that this was discussed at length in the P A G , but will be of interest to members , increasingly with voluntary bodies , we are moving towards er , jointly providing services with them , in a partnership arrangement where we are effectively purchasing and commissioning services from them , and that is the way we would wish the policy to go .
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