Example sentences of "be treated as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To the extent that income has been retained , payments out are treated as income .
2 As she probably knows , half of all patients are treated as emergency cases , half come from waiting lists .
3 However , attached lean-to garages are treated as home extensions , and must have full Building Regulations approval , especially as far as fire precautions are concerned .
4 The point is that the one exploitation is part of the other , either way women are treated as shit . ’
5 The amounts charged are treated as part of the net cash flow of the business and are available for use as transfers from fixed assets to current assets and possibly back again , in whatever way is most beneficial to the business .
6 The amounts charged are treated as part of the net cash flow of the business and are available for use as transfers from fixed assets to current assets and possibly back again , in whatever way is most beneficial to the business .
7 Secondly , paralinguistic features of the ‘ vocal effect ’ type are treated as part of intonation , and it is not made sufficiently clear how these are to be distinguished from prosodic features .
8 Advertisements sent to relevant European institutions are exempt because those institutions are treated as Art 9(3) experts in relation to investment advertisements relating to activities falling within their home-regulated business ( see para 44 of Sched 10 to the Banking Co-ordination Regulations ) .
9 For example , Private Acts of Parliament are treated as legislation even though they may regulate the conduct of only a single individual ; on the other hand , an ‘ administrative order ’ affecting a large number of people may be difficult to distinguish from as legislative act .
10 ( Under the SGA and the UCTA " trading " stamp redemption contracts are treated as sale of goods contracts . )
11 And since grazing leases are treated as property by the Internal Revenue Service and are taxed accordingly , who could pay for managing public lands if the cows were given the boot ?
12 Sales vouchers for payment made by the bank credit cards such as Access and Barclaycard are treated as cash .
13 These 4,505 persons are treated as representative of persons considered responsible for crime during the mature colonial period .
14 Where income such as an occupational pension or Retirement Pension is paid into a bank or building society account on , for example , a monthly or four-weekly basis , in some cases this has been treated as capital resulting in a possible reduction of benefit .
15 Although parrots have been treated as seed predators , they are not always so , for they appear to be the principal dispersal agents of seeds of several species of Parkia ( Leguminosae ) in the Neotropics as , well as certain Lecythidaceae there , even though they are partly destructive .
16 These investments have therefore been treated as cash equivalents in preparing the cash flow statement reflecting the liquid nature of the investments .
17 Extra-Statutory Concession C16 provides that the total cash distribution prior to striking off will be treated as capital in the hands of the shareholders , in accordance with s 209(1) , ICTA 1988 , so that the provisions of that sub-section apply .
18 Note that where assets are acquired not as part of a TOGC and VAT is payable , the VAT liability may be treated as capital expenditure for the purpose of writing down allowances for plant and machinery .
19 While they will be taxed at the investor 's top rate , when repatriated they will be treated as income , rather than capital , and therefore avoid the risk of having to pay capital gains tax .
20 It will , essentially , be a matter for negotiation between the members of the firm as to whether or not such remuneration should be treated as income of the firm : whatever is decided should be duly recorded in the agreement ( Clause 10.06 ) .
21 If a capital sum is paid under this provision , so that it is assessed upon the settlor , it is treated as the income of the settlor for the year of payment and it shall be treated as income of such amount as after the deduction of tax at the basic rate and additional rate for that year , or the rate applicable to the trust from 1993/94 ( see TA 1988 , s686(1A) ) , would equal the sum or that part of that sum .
22 This would then be treated as income by D S S and so this amount would be reduced by sixteen pounds fifty .
23 Pruning to the same hard degree invariably results in an explosion of growth , and such varieties are really much better given enough space elsewhere to do their own thing , and be treated as shrub roses .
24 Any further orders must therefore be treated as second or subsequent orders for timing purposes .
25 In the budgeting process the firm should decide on what should be treated as profit centres and what as cost centres .
26 It is moot whether it should be treated as metaphor or not .
27 ‘ The caning this boy received would be treated as child abuse in any other context , ’ said Peter Newell of End Physical Punishment of Children .
28 If the building is regarded as a complex structure , then damage to one part of the structure , caused by a hidden defect in another part , could be treated as damage to other property .
29 Pottery , for example , may be treated as art , science or technology , and within a discipline oriented scheme the opportunity will probably exist to classify pottery in at least any one of these three disciplines .
30 The extension of a period fixed shall not be treated as relief from which the lessee is barred if he fails to pay arrears and costs within that period ( meaning the period fixed ) ( s 138(8) ) .
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