Example sentences of "be carried out [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 There is no evidence that research is at all hampered by note-taking , and many interviews of a very personal kind are carried out using tape recorders or notebooks .
2 By far the largest proportion of XPS studies are carried out using solid samples .
3 Experiments are carried out using these two groups of faces to examine the states by which particular faces become familiar to an observer .
4 Under the direction of an international Steering Group , a number of research teams are responsible for the national Surveys , which are carried out using a commonly agreed methodology .
5 If it is accepted that what motivates interest in redistributive impacts is a desire to be ‘ fair ’ , then the studies that are carried out using current measures of economic status may often by misleading .
6 The dating of this floor , which has been carried out using both TL and uranium series dating ( see p. 118 ) , generally confirms the occupation dates obtained from the burnt flints .
7 The project management and systems design has been carried out using staff based within the Modular Course .
8 In half the cases examinations could have been carried out using less radiation .
9 Few studies have been carried out assessing the effect of vitamin supplementation on adenomatous polyps or colorectal cancer .
10 Encouraging experiments have been carried out utilizing the special skills of social workers ( Cooper et al. 1974 ; Shepherd et al. 1979 ) , clinical psychologists ( Johnston 1978 ; Robson et al. 1984 ) , and marriage guidance counsellors ( Marsh and Barr 1975 ; Cohen and Halpern 1978 ) working in general practice to provide help for patients with social problems .
11 Repairs to gravestones have been carried out following last year 's vandalism and other petty acts .
12 ‘ After one month a random survey will be carried out involving test purchases .
13 Please ensure that in future , if any planned power supply work is to be carried out affecting the supply to the computer room , I am informed well in advance , so that I can make arrangements to safeguard the file-servers and inform users .
14 There are various ways in which this can be carried out depending on the age of the child and level of control of the parents .
15 Side leg exercises can be done to work the outer thigh area , and a wide variety of scissor-type exercises can be done for the hips and lower stomach areas , ( More advanced stomach exercises can be carried out using weights if desired . )
16 Design and implementation of the proposed system was outside the FAOR remit ( Fig 14.9 ) but the proposals had raised the expectations of the two client departments , and it was decided that a follow-up study would be carried out using management services practitioners from the parent organisation , supported initially by an analyst from an external consultancy .
17 An unconventional method of producing reasonably bounce-free switching may be carried out using a small amount of water in an egg-cup .
18 In this section we will consider techniques for solving these problems and , in passing , illustrate how dual simplex iterations may be carried out using compact tableaux .
19 Interactive , multicomponent digital image processing of the entire database can also be carried out using the Geochemical Interactive Systems Analysis ( GISA ) facility at the National Remote Sensing Centre ( Appendix 2.2 ) .
20 Calculations can be carried out using information from the files .
21 For instance , annual sales forecasting for a manufacturing activity undertaking a wide variety of large complex engineering work on a unit and small batch basis may be carried out using a combination of queuing , scheduling and inventory based methods .
22 All of these procedures could be carried out using data which was generated as a matter of course .
23 Since the task of benchmarking one job against another is essentially based on statistical and mathematical techniques , the process of job evaluation could soon be carried out using a microcomputer at a fraction of the cost of the time-honoured method .
24 In a similar , but more localised manner , some education authorities which carry out ‘ blanket ’ testing , or testing a sizeable sample of the junior school population , have introduced items which must be carried out using a calculator .
25 It was decided that the three cars would be fumigated with Methyl Bromide to eradicate the infestation , and that this work would be carried out using the fumigation bubble .
26 The research on the European volunteer scheme will be carried out using a number of primary and documentary sources , in particular key government papers , held in the Public Record Office.Trade union reports , reports of voluntary organisations and of international organizations involved in resettling the refugees will also be consulted .
27 The survey will be carried out using a questionnaire in interviews with about a hundred MPs , chosen to represent the main grouping within parties , and ten Peers who have shown interest in welfare issues .
28 The same process should be carried out using a 3 × 2 grid .
29 Each of the records in this short ( 54 records ) file contains a question or task to be carried out using the reference(s) given .
30 Geoffrey , discussions about the Common Market , for example , tend to be carried out using rational arguments based on economics and legal principles , but do n't you think that at the deepest level international relations depend on national characteristics ?
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