Example sentences of "be needed for this " in BNC.

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1 What kind of leaders are needed for this work ?
2 If it is claimed that reasons are needed for this verdict , which might be doubted , one has to do with the fact that we do not take all the causes of behaviour to be other behaviour .
3 What other cameras are needed for this scene ?
4 More members are needed for this class which is organised in conjunction with the Teachers ' Training Course and is helping to support it .
5 He said : ‘ Over the past 10 years we have been striving hard to maintain the numbers of part-time firefighters which are needed for this vital community service . ’
7 A non-slip mat in the bottom of the bath may be needed for this .
8 Word order would then not be needed for this particular purpose of role assignment .
9 We think that the educational effort which would be needed for this would be more usefully directed simply to warning people against follow-on credit .
10 The prop-room became crowded with elderly men ; stage-hands and fly-men , none of whom were needed for this particular production but who were there just the same , heating cans of baked beans in a saucepan on the fire .
11 Since a large number of locations were needed for this study it was decided to use locations which none of the subjects were likely to know rather than stimuli filmed in the Cambridge area which would differ in the degree of previous familiarity subjects had with them .
12 More were needed for this task than were ever recruited to work underground , and many Cornish youths who worked at the tin " stamps " as " buddle boys " never became adult miners .
13 The account of acquired distinctiveness supplied by mediation theory ( Fig. 5.10 ) requires that each target stimulus become associated with some different event , and a reliable correlation between each stimulus and its outcome is needed for this to be established .
14 A good level of fitness is needed for this stage since you will often be sailing in Force 5 + winds .
15 For those running a residential care or nursing home special cover is needed for this type of business .
16 Planning , or at least mental preparation , is needed for this transition , whether we intend to have an active retirement , or just ‘ sit and do nothing ’ .
17 A long-focus lens is needed for this kind of shot , however .
18 But there can be no doubt that some such terminology is needed for this feature of the parallelistic line .
19 Somebody , therefore , has to lead the singing , either unaccompanied or to the accompaniment of a pre-recorded tape , and training is needed for this as well .
20 A long-focus lens is needed for this kind of shot , however .
21 Although in theory under the personal command of the new Regent , in fact Will Douglas led , grumbling at having to carry so many lofty ones along when what was needed for this attempt was the toughest of mosstroopers .
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