Example sentences of "be necessary [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The defeatists felt that the power of the torturers was too great to try to combat ; the purists were too busy discussing semantics to take up the real problems ; the perfectionists thought that the data on human rights was too imprecise to be used for high quality research ; the paradigm thinkers believed that massive political and social changes would be necessary before torture could be stopped ; many other concerned persons were involved in other cases , such as environment , ecology , animal rights , etc .
2 Changed secretion of peptides , amongst many other such changes , may be necessary if memory formation is to occur , but it is neither sufficient nor , because it is a very general process , can it be regarded as specific to any particular memory .
3 An interpreter may also be necessary where English is not the family 's first language .
4 He has alluded to existing clinical skills and appropriate postgraduate formal education being necessary before registration could take place and provider numbers granted .
5 IN THE article ( Echo February 3 ) in which you report the proposed cuts in the Home Help service , Durham County Hall says the cuts are necessary because money is running out .
6 The point of introducing these ideas here is to draw attention to the radical analysis which suggests that management may use rules and procedures , and other more complex organisational arrangements such as product groups or even matrix organisational structures , not just because they may be a more efficient means of co-ordination but because they are necessary if capital is to control recalcitrant labour .
7 Distributed strategies , they say , are necessary when knowledge sources are independently activated as in Hearsay-II .
8 This is necessary as member states operate different coverage , and levy different rates of VAT and excise duties .
9 cheque book , savings book or other evidence giving the student 's account number and sorting code with a bank or building society ( this is necessary as payment is made by electronic transfer ) ;
10 The key lesson of this case study is that order can not be coercively imposed , and that some form of political consensus is necessary if escalation is to be avoided .
11 Such an utterly formal , undefinable and wholly unanalysable concept of ‘ ought ’ is necessary if law is to be regarded as normative and if the positivist proposition that law may have any content is to be sustained .
12 We are told by the Government that we must be prepared to tolerate environmental devastation and a senseless waste of more than £1,000 million worth of extra public money because the Ove Arup route is necessary if prosperity is to come from the regeneration of east London and the east Thames corridor .
13 This included in particular the inability of humanism as a philosophy to place adequate constraints on the exercise of freedom and also its inability to generate that set of values which is necessary if capitalism is to work .
14 This resulted in the inability of humanism as a philosophy to place adequate constraints on the exercise of freedom and also its inability to generate that set of values which is necessary if capitalism is to work .
15 I have tried to show how such an approach is necessary if language teaching is to draw maximal benefits from developments in the informing disciplines while retaining its own identity as a domain of enquiry which has to meet its own conditions of relevance and accountability .
16 Expert knowledge is necessary if timber is to be preserved safely and effectively .
17 Proliferation of such schemes will make it essential both to try to avoid consumer confusion , and also to ensure that gaps and overlap are guarded against , but they are all to be welcomed as a recognition that a proper complaints and redress system is necessary if justice is to be done .
18 The negative sign in the equation is necessary because work is done by the system .
19 The increased sophistication of the system used by dolphins is necessary because sound travels nearly five times as fast in water as in air .
20 The negative sign is necessary because energy is evolved in the process .
21 Standardisation of time was necessary because cancer incidence is rising slowly in the west of Scotland and because prescribing atenolol increased greatly during the period of study ( fig 1 ) .
22 The nuclear industry asked why all this was necessary when monitoring was already carried out by the CEGB itself , as well as by government departments .
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