Example sentences of "be higher [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A couple of you have got high marks John and you 've got high activist , you 're higher than the others , how do you feel about that ?
2 Because if you eat a regular high carbohydrate diet then your BMR is likely to be higher than a person eating a high fat diet .
3 Rates will vary : commission rates for exhibitions may well be higher than a gallery 's normal rate .
4 Simply stated , the argument is that the cost of capital of a corporation with management that trades on inside information will be higher than a corporation with management that does not engage in such trading .
5 ‘ For smaller businesses , the American Express card today will probably cost less than other cards and will certainly not be higher than a bank card .
6 Consequently the contribution of petrol lead to blood lead of adults would be higher than the average 24 per cent calculated for Turin . ’
7 Even if both man and woman are earning a wage , the man 's wage will be higher than the woman 's and so his job more important than the woman 's .
8 The true velocities may be higher than the velocities measured in projection .
9 ( iii ) Fill the black watch glass with the spreading solution ( 0.2 M sucrose , made fresh and filtered ) ; the sucrose should sit in a nice " bubble " , and the level of the solution should be higher than the edge of the watch glass ( 6–7 nil ) .
10 If there were not an expectation that the spot price at delivery will be higher than the current price of the futures contract , it is argued that the number of those who wish to hold a short position ( for instance , producers of the underlying physical asset hedging their risks ) would exceed the number who wish to hold a long position in the futures contract ( for instance , speculators ) .
11 the rate of inflation for the health service tends to be higher than the overall rate of inflation .
12 So the very fact that she observes her price to be higher than the average price level she was originally expecting may make her adjust upwards her expected average price level .
13 He was one of those whose wisdom ( to recall the terms of Wyatt 's sonnet ) insisted on his maintaining an unchanged obedience to an authority he ultimately felt to be higher than the King 's .
14 The bracket furthest away from the downpipe position will be higher than the outlet to give a fall of 1 in 500 ( 4mm for each 2m length or 1in for each 40ft ) .
15 However , a firm 's reported earnings ( also called accounting income ) are usually larger than the firm 's dividends , which would seem to suggest that the value of the firm based on earnings will be higher than the value based on dividends .
16 The costs of going to court are likely to be higher than the value of the contract and the only beneficiaries are typically the lawyers .
17 While the highest quality solution of Figure 15.4 may be higher than the highest achievable in Figure 15.3 , the demands on ability in the presence of constraint to achieve a position on the narrow success surface and the risk of emergence of new constraints in later phases of the project , greatly increase the risk of failure .
18 In patients with familial adenomatous polyposis , the baseline CCPR seemed to be higher than the overall control value ( 8.75 v 4.74 cells/ crypt/hour ) but the difference did not reach statistical significance .
19 The opportunity cost of a resource may , in some circumstances , be higher than the resource 's purchase price .
20 It will be higher than the Treasury bill rate .
21 Libel damages call for a metaphysical evaluation of dignity , a compensation , in many cases , for loss of amour propre which may be higher than the courts would award for the loss of an arm or a leg .
22 So it 's a better plan than ever , also the premiums for this will be higher than the level plan claim , but again once they 're set , they would n't increase , because your benefits are .
23 A forecast from the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development suggests that Japan 's economic growth in 1993 will be higher than the average for the six other leading industrial nations .
24 The implied interest rate charged by the Bank on loans to the discount houses will usually be higher than the market rate on bills .
25 You will pay interest charges on any money that is overdrawn ( which may be higher if the overdraft has not been formally arranged ) and usually the bank will charge fees to cover administration costs .
26 The standard should be higher when a power to affect liberty was in issue .
27 Where there are two people in the property the reduction will be given if two community charges are higher than the rates bill plus £52 .
28 Well I would think our takings are higher than the cinema .
29 But in fact parts of the village are higher than the road , and
30 Thus after year six , your monthly payments are higher than the standard rate demands .
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