Example sentences of "be hoped that this " in BNC.

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1 It is to be hoped that this is not early warning of the demise of public libraries !
2 It is to be hoped that this will not deter commentators from making their contribution to the debate , particularly against the background of recent corporate scandals over which auditors have been criticised , often unfairly , and against a backcloth of rapid change in the ways of doing business generally .
3 It is always to be hoped that this charism will be active in popes and bishops , but it is not , nor can it be , reduced solely to their authority .
4 It is to be hoped that this satisfactory industrial position will be maintained after the War , for , unfortunately , in the past the deaf and dumb have always been amongst the first to be pushed to the wall in periods of depression .
5 It is to be hoped that this can be applied to other similar situations of deadlock .
6 It is hoped that this study will remedy the omission and demonstrate a possible role for the ATB in helping the family farmers and part-time farmers .
7 It is hoped that this gallery may be restored here in the future .
8 It is hoped that this phenomenal increase will soon level out .
9 It is hoped that this will not be later than approximately 8 April by which time they are wanted back here to get on with parachute training .
10 It is hoped that this information can be used to help shorten the average length of detention for those who want to go home quickly .
11 It is hoped that this instrument will help him in his new parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Leasowe to enrich further the lives of the people at home with all kinds of music .
12 It is hoped that this will continue in an atmosphere of sharing , as there is great potential for future development .
13 It is hoped that this will make people feel safer and encourage them to report crimes .
14 It is hoped that this extension will provide members with the opportunity to consider/ discuss this matter more fully .
15 It is hoped that this will gradually lessen the passivity which has been a characteristic response of some women to multiple loss .
16 It is hoped that this stems from the fact that the zonal code given per letter by the recogniser is not as accurate as some overall shape information would be , if it were obtained from the x , y coordinates of the script .
17 At the end of May the first meeting of the London and South East branch of the S.D.R.R.S. was held in the Camden Irish Centre and it is hoped that this branch and its members will make a valuable contribution to the restoration effort .
18 Also with the mineral extractions now being carried by road transport , it is hoped that this can again be conveyed by rail along this beautiful line to the BR exchange sidings .
19 Among other things it is hoped that this will eliminate some of the problems which Noah clearly believes led to their defeat by Switzerland — although his own choice of an outdoor clay court for the match against Jakob Hlasek and Marc Rosset , did not help either .
20 It is hoped that this will be the sort of figure which will deter those exhibition event organisers , who in the past have been more than content to pay top players such as Seles a six figure appearance fee and cover any fine which they may have incurred .
21 It is hoped that this type of programme will answer many of the criticisms of ill conceived and piecemeal research and provide a model for surgical training in the future .
22 It is hoped that this work may play some small part in redressing this imbalance .
23 Our two organisations have exchanged Newsletters and it is hoped that this will continue on a regular basis , and that further links may be established in the future .
24 It is hoped that this meagre expedition into social history may provide at least some indication of the extent to which each decade has bred people of differing outlook on sexuality and an indication of the way in which different styles of upbringing and ways of social thinking in the childhood years of successive decades might be expected to affect the outlook and tolerance of adults throughout the varying age groups of society .
25 The archive is not open to the public at the moment as there is not enough funding for staff and technical equipment , but it is hoped that this will soon be overcome .
26 It is hoped that this chapter will not be dismissed as an arid academic ground-clearing exercise , since it has important things to say about the most appropriate way to approach the subject of the book .
27 It is hoped that this ‘ infrared slavery ’ will explain why quarks are always confined in colorless bound states , but so far no one has been able to demonstrate this really convincingly .
28 Consideration of the Commission 's proposal for the telematics programme by both the European Parliament and the advisory bodies to the Research Council is going on apace and it is hoped that this programme will be one of the first from the third Framework programme to be adopted in 1991 .
29 Consideration by Ministers of the member states at the Research Council is likely to follow at the end of December and it is hoped that this will produce a ‘ common position ’ , that is agreement on the proposal possibly as amended in the light of the comments of the Parliament and of the advisory bodies to the Council .
30 For example , in the preface to Indian School Organization he explained : ‘ It is hoped that this book may be found useful … by teachers in general and headmasters in particular and may prove suggestive to Indian educationalists whose experience happens to be less varied than that of the author . ’
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