Example sentences of "be directed at [art] " in BNC.

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1 those which employ a method or means of combat which can not be directed at a specific military objective ; or
2 The forum would now use the information to ‘ press for changes in legislation to enable more money and resources to be directed at the problem , while at the same time doing all we can to enable local people to find local solutions ’ .
3 This reassurance , though commonly assumed to be directed at the British , was almost equally directed at Europe 's smaller countries .
4 A contract which requires a supplier to close a NHS ward will occasion political comment which is likely to be directed at the Health Authority at least initially .
5 The Stroh Violin was commonly employed ; this was a violin fitted with a soundbox and horn so the upper harmonics of violin tone could be directed at the recording machine .
6 The crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time , who , while singing songs against the materialistic values of American society , are worried about the receipts from their concerts .
7 But whatever criticisms might be directed at the Japanese judgment , it remains important as the one case in which a court has ruled on the legality of actual use of nuclear weapons .
8 These ‘ free attacks ’ will be directed at the slowest character , who will almost certainly be slain .
9 The same criticism can , with perhaps less force , be directed at the translation of the Ameslan gestures .
10 Crude advertising discrimination has tended to be directed at the socialist rather than social-democratic press , thus exempting the mass-circulation , pro-Labour papers that have flourished ; … small circulation publications further to the left which have tended to be poor advertising media , judged by the commercial criterion employed by advertising agencies , have probably also suffered as a consequence of overt political discrimination .
11 Before pursuing this theme , attention should be directed at the other issue arising from Brockway 's declaration , the abolitionist stance , which eschews efforts to improve life within prisons in favour of seeking to be entirely rid of the prison system .
12 Moreover , even if particular impulses are not mainly directed at pleasure , the typical ones do seem to be directed at the occurrence of certain states of ourselves , so that even if not hedonistic they are egoistic .
13 These instruments can be directed at the two monetary targets , the money supply and interest rates .
14 Kicks , punches and elbow strikes can all be directed at the ball , and because it has a certain amount of give in it , practitioners can get a more or less accurate feeling of how a punch or kick will feel against a human body .
15 As the canvas documents , including the notification of banding , will be issued by the Finance Department I would expect all the enquiries during December 1992 to April 1993 , and probably after April 1993 , to be directed at the Finance Department .
16 But their anger appeared to be directed at the Renault rather than the Jaguar .
17 Even at the time when Dalby was taken to represent the law , it was not quite true to say that the act had to be directed at the victim , since the doctrine of transferred malice applies .
18 In Pagett ( 1983 ) 76 Cr App R 279 ( CA ) , where a girl was used as a shield by the accused ( see Chapter 2 ) , the court did not deal with the point that under Dalby the act had to be directed at the victim .
19 The same criticism though could be directed at the presumptions approach .
20 It seems to be directed at the SIB 's use of the term " indirect customer " ( which applies even where the intermediary is the customer ) and not SFA 's ( which does not ) .
21 Journals or papers designed to be sold in a number of African countries can succeed commercially , as some have shown in recent years , but these are directed at a limited , élite readership .
22 The implications of these general approaches to ontogenesis for the nature of the artefact become clearer when they are directed at a specific problem , the nature of play .
23 The important point is that the words are directed at the trustee .
24 They are directed at the benefit of learners .
25 Here they are directed at the benefit of the teachers ' own understanding of their craft .
26 There are a number of amendments to Schedule 5 which are directed at the same broad objective though they go somewhat further than the suggestions I have described .
27 There are certain adjectives or quasi-adjectives which make it rather explicit that they are directed at the relation between the entity of the noun phrase and its description .
28 ‘ Very few local access roads have been treated along their length ; where through traffic needs to be discouraged , treatment has mainly been directed at the access points to the local residential area .
29 IN the past , attention has been focused on the problems of the chronology of civil defences and less thought has been directed at the reasons for these defences and why some settlements were chosen in preference to others .
30 Education has been directed at the production of the rational , the free , the independent of mind , the dignified , in short , the autonomous human being .
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