Example sentences of "be aimed at a " in BNC.

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1 Industry , strictly defined , can be regarded as having established itself only where production so exceeded local demand as to be aimed at a wider market , for a trade might flourish and yet remain no more than a subsidiary activity , like the leather trades of the Weald of Sussex .
2 It is usually possible for the teacher to type in a list of words so that the game can be aimed at a specific child , providing additional experience of words that may be giving difficulty .
3 According to Levi these " understandings " included the following : ( i ) Israel would not be obliged to accept the principle of " land for peace " ; ( ii ) the conference would have no power to make decisions and would not be used as a forum for appeal or discussion ; ( iii ) negotiations would be direct and without preconditions and would be aimed at a peace treaty ; ( iv ) the PLO would not be a partner to the process and the Palestinians would be represented by a joint delegation with Jordan ; ( v ) the UN observer at the conference would be silent and would be a personal representative of the UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar ; ( vi ) a representative of the European Communities ( EC ) would attend the opening session of the conference ; ( vii ) the USA would not allow a parallel conference to take place in the UN Security Council ; and ( viii ) the Soviet Union would renew full diplomatic ties with Israel before the start of a conference .
4 In other cases misconduct may not be aimed at a specific customer , but may impact on the integrity of the market as a whole .
5 Ed : Chemistry in Britain , being aimed at a wider audience than the RSC 's primary and secondary publications , will continue to use the familiar ‘ sulphur ’ for the present , at least until general usage begins to reflect the change .
6 A further type of WB is set manually , the camcorder being aimed at a standard reference such as a white card or lens cap .
7 The flavour of the museum is particularly pertinent , while full of railway interest it is a family experience first and foremost rather than being aimed at a specialised section of the enthusiast market .
8 Insofar as this affected the ECSC negotiations , it gave West Germany a far stronger hand and enabled its negotiators to resist some of the French demands , especially those which were aimed at a deconcentration and decartelisation of West Germany 's heavy industries , and to pursue more urgently its own point of view on the future of the Saar .
9 The new five-door car , which is aimed at a middle sector of the market dominated by the VW Golf , Vauxhall Astra and Fiat Tipo , is one of Rover 's most important launches this decade .
10 To me that was total irresponsibility , especially as the magazine is aimed at a younger readership .
11 Each collection is aimed at a very specific market .
12 The appointment of Mrs Brooks is aimed at a ‘ real integration of the two operations ’ .
13 Reading and Thinking in English is aimed at a wide range of learners whose ‘ main need is to gain access to information through English . ’
14 Just as the first two processes have led to the gradual expansion of the broadcasting scene , the last , and most critical , process is aimed at a complete reappraisal of the role of broadcasting , and the broadcasting organizations , in British society .
15 Published by the Menil Foundation with Mercator Fonds and Thames & Hudson ( £45 ) , it is aimed at a wider readership , but it will be the essential essay for all students keen to learn how a great scholar 's opinions have been honed over the long years spent in the consideration of Magritte 's art .
16 Witness this peroration : ‘ Evidently Freya Stark is aimed at a readership unfamiliar with the Stark oeuvre and Mrs Izzard reckoned she could get away with any number of unjust distortions .
17 A report is aimed at a particular reader who is expecting and may have asked for facts , conclusions and recommendations .
18 The Chinese consider the clenched fist as a weak and vulnerable weapon , to be used rarely and only if it is aimed at a soft part of the body .
19 We know that the controls over tobacco sponsorship of sport do not have the affect that Mr. Lawson attributes to them , because all the academic research shows that the tobacco industry 's sponsorship of sport is aimed at a younger market .
20 As my hon. Friend the Member for Dumbarton ( Mr. McFall ) has said , the sponsorship is aimed at a market that identifies sport with glamour and , by extension , with tobacco .
21 On Feb. 24 de Klerk announced the date of the referendum — March 17 — and the wording of the question to which voters would have to respond with a yes or a no : " Do you support continuation of the reform process which the State President began on Feb. 2 , 1990 [ see p. 37232 ] , and which is aimed at a new constitution through negotiation ? "
22 In a " whites-only " referendum on March 17 , 68.6 per cent of voters responded positively to the question : " Do you support continuation of the reform process which the State President began on Feb. 2 , 1990 [ see p. 37232 ] , and which is aimed at a new constitution through negotiation ? "
23 Be because the I five policy is aimed at a specific area of the workforce , it 's not it 's not across the full spectrum .
24 But it does n't it does n't take from the point that I made that it is i i the allocation they 're seeking is aimed at a very specific sector of the employment base .
25 The marketing campaign unveiled yesterday is aimed at a raising the profile of the event among the general public in the United States , where football lags far behind many other sports in popularity .
26 Our partnership has never been aimed at a resourcing of the school in a material sense , but has focused on the educational experiences of students and their provision at the highest quality possible .
27 The exercises are aimed at a common denominator of concerns amongst secondary school staff but their value lies , not in specific content , but in the process they demonstrate for the structuring of discussion .
28 Thus , threats to cause bodily harm to the complainant other than those involving a weapon are not included , although such threats will suffice if they are aimed at a third party .
29 Compulsory treatment powers in the community are aimed at a small and highly selected group of people who , because of their illness , might pose a significant risk to their own health or safety or the safety of other people were they to remain without treatment , but who do not require to stay in hospital .
30 Despite a heavyweight ( and possibly counterproductive ) lobbying effort by the tobacco companies , its March 14th vote was aimed at a complete ban on all tobacco advertising — a business worth £46m in Britain in 1988 .
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