Example sentences of "be approved by the " in BNC.

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1 Both Tustian and Pardoe are among the 600 farmers who are approved by the Soil Association , the largest organic farming body in Britain , whose main criterion is that certified produce must be grown on soil that has been free from artificial additives for at least two years .
2 The expectation that the new borrowings will be available , if required , must have existed at the balance sheet date and this expectation should be reviewed in the light of any post balance sheet events to ensure it remains reasonable on the date the financial statements are approved by the directors .
3 The most significant are that the proposed SAS requires auditors to be active , rather than passive , and to perform procedures specifically designed to identify circumstances which might call into question the appropriateness of the going concern basis ; that the future period which should be considered by both the directors and auditors in assessing the validity of the going concern basis should be extended to one year from the date the accounts are approved by the directors ; and that emphasis is now placed on the need for adequate disclosures in accounts of matters giving rise to inherent uncertainties that affect a company 's ability to continue as a going concern .
4 S 55 applies to members of bodies which are approved by the Lord Chancellor for probate services .
5 Standard curriculum and the syllabuses which stem from them are approved by the Ministry of Education .
6 Many plumbing fittings for use in the home are approved by the Water Research Centre under its voluntary scheme — look for this approval ( or a British Standard Kitemark or an approval mark to a relevant EC Directive ) when buying .
7 The figures do not include water charges , which will add £77 and £232 to the lowest and highest figures if the recommendations are approved by the council next week .
8 One of the advantages of pension funds — both company and individual — is that provided they are approved by the Inland Revenue they are exempt from paying tax on the growth of the fund .
9 The Plan has already been approved by the state environment authorities and is likely to be approved shortly by the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington .
10 THE International Weightlifting Federation , stung by a wave of positive drug tests , has introduced a controversial testing system which has not been approved by the Olympic movement .
11 Hence the proposal for a single-licence procedure , allowing no further challenges after a plant has been approved by the regulators and built .
12 Meanwhile , says Mr Cameron , almost identical stainless-steel cylinders produced by a German competitor and developed under a government subsidy have been approved by the tüv .
13 The appointment has been approved by the Prime Minister . ’
14 The syllabus has been approved by the School Examination and Assessment Council , using the same criteria applied to any other A-level chemistry syllabus .
15 A final dividend can only be paid after it has been approved by the shareholders at a general meeting and Resolution 2 seeks such approval .
16 Hall defended the action he had taken and proposed that ‘ during the recess , to look at the designs which had been approved by the judges , and endeavour to ascertain the expense of carrying them out ; but nothing further would be done until the House was informed on that point ’ .
17 As the University has been approved by the Access Courses Recognition Group ( ACRG ) as an Authorised Validating Agency all these courses are nationally recognized by way of a kitemark .
18 Sit in comfort For ages six months to four years , this reclining car seat has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority for use in aircraft when fitted with a lap belt
19 In a further letter to the Chief Executive , Councillor Matheson said that , had emergency guidelines been approved by the committee , the department could have acted in the knowledge that its committee had backed their use .
20 hinted that the Council were too late to object , as span wires had already been approved by the Board of Trade , who objected to bracket arms over 16 feet in length , which might be necessary if the roads were widened .
21 The SORP , whose publication has been approved by the Accounting Standards Board , applies to financial years beginning on or after 23 December 1992 .
22 The Free Curl stylers have been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority , come with twinpack gas cartridges and are available at Boots and usual stockists from £14.95 .
23 At last December 's High Court hearing , Mr Maxwell , 36 , was held to have breached his duty as a director of BIM by signing forms for the transfer of five blocks of shares , worth about £580,000 , to Credit Suisse without obtaining an assurance the transfers had been approved by the BIM board .
24 If you miss a meeting , or a crucial decision within one , it is very difficult to have anything reversed afterwards , as it has then been approved by the consensus and therefore stands .
25 A plan to restore the windows at a cost of DFl.1.2 million has been approved by the State Office for Monuments who are putting up the greater part of the necessary funds .
26 The battle plan had still not been approved by the Japanese government .
27 Four companies — Siemens AG , L M Ericsson Telefon AB , Alcatel NV and Northern Telecom Ltd will share a $230m project to modernise parts of Bulgaria 's telephone system : the quartet has been approved by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank ; the project is to digitise trunk and international telephone lines , as the first phase of a more thorough modernisation .
28 The budget , now whittled down to $160m , has only recently been approved by the General Assembly committee that does such jobs .
29 Except treasury bonds , no bonds may be publicly bought and sold unless the issuer has been in business for over a year , the prospectus has been appropriately published and the issue is gone through an issuing house , and the prospectus has been approved by the Authority .
30 Already because they 've been approved by the board .
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