Example sentences of "be at least [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The mattress should be at least 4–5in thick , either foam or sprung , and carry a fire-resistant label .
2 The keys of old harpsichords are indeed often seen to be hollowed ; however , what this suggests is not that Handel had been assiduously practising on it for many years , but rather that ( being at least loo years old when Hawkins saw it ) it had never had the keys replated. 19th-century scholars were intrigued by this tale , and more than a century after Handel 's death embarked on the quest to rediscover the instrument .
3 Her pink flying suit had two dirty orbs where her backside had imprinted itself on the ground and I noticed for the first time that her trainers were at least size 9 ( men 's ) .
4 I put in two gallons on Saturday , and I can tell you for a fact there 's at least quarter of a gallon left .
5 If , as these authors postulate , the tumour exerts some type of inhibitory effect on the proliferation of the cells surrounding it , it is possible that the lower labelling index reported for the rectal segment is at least party related to a wider — that is , extending beyond a 5 cm radius — zone of inhibition produced by rectal tumours with respect to those arising in other colonic segments .
6 Controversy rages , but there is at least agreement that the sensitive sites should be preserved .
7 In this respect Ferguson thought that the Warner Bros film was a good indication of what could be achieved by Hollywood when it tackled social problems honestly and he summed it up by returning to one of his favourite points about Hollywood that ‘ even half a loaf on the national stomach is at least nourishment taken in ’ .
8 The inauguration of President Roosevelt and the beginning of the New Deal created a new sense of national purpose and encouraged institutions and agencies to rethink their public role , and however bad things were there was at least evidence that movie-going was surviving as a social activity .
9 With the Forgen , this threshold was at least Force 3 .
10 Further , I conclude that whatever other arguments may have found favour with her , that false representation was at least material in inducing Mrs. O'Brien to execute the charge .
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