Example sentences of "be at [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 But it 's all their own work , they 're at the moment re-drawing every single page of the four stories that will be in the book , and I think that Amy 's got , this is the work in progress .
2 Well we 're at the moment in the process of er providing disabled accommodation on all intercity trains .
3 I 'm at the moment negotiating with a , a previous sponsor an S K Bearings Europe Limited who have a plant at Peterlee who are very interested in looking at erm supporting our educational provision .
4 I 'm at the moment chairing a university working party on sexual harassment erm and what this working party erm intends to do is to try to survey experience gathered from the operation of codes and the appointment of people in college with a special responsibility for this sort of thing over the past few years , to see what we can learn from experience , so I 'd want to reserve judgement at the moment on what this committee might recommend is the best way forwards .
5 No , Peru 's just not the place to be at the moment . ’
6 Twice a week it might be at the moment .
7 I think chemistry and physics students are quite a good thing to be at the moment .
8 And we seem to be at the moment watching the dismantling and the decline of the National Health Service .
9 The best place would be at the moment she 's got two jobs .
10 ‘ The battle ’ hovers over the individual actions like in incorporeal cloud , distinct from them , but at the same time making up a surface of their meaning-effect , a simulacrum that brings the event into being at the moment when language and event coincide .
11 It was the fancy of the good Doctor to bring together , from time to time , a considerable number of men whose lives were devoted to the advancement of science , and to entertain them , not for a day merely , but for several days , so that they might discuss together , without hurry or excitement , those matters of practical and theoretical science which were at the moment engaging the attention of the scientific world .
12 They are therefore predominantly sectarian in political religious form , and attempts to modify this sectarian structure are at the moment opposed mainly , though not exclusively , by the Irish Roman catholic clergy .
13 ‘ Clearly the Kurds , one way or another , are going to present an enormous problem to the courts very shortly , as they are at the moment to the Home Office , ’ Mr Justice Schiemann said .
14 Newham North East ) shouted : ‘ Disgraceful ’ , when Mr Clarke claimed : ‘ The men , although doing no work , are at the moment still in the ambulance stations .
15 Even presented in outline like that , it is reasonably clear that under green regimes Europeans would , by any conventional standards , become a great deal poorer than they are at the moment .
16 ‘ Honey , I 'd love to , but I 'm more or less stuck here as much as you are at the moment .
17 ‘ We buy 50 to 60 cars a year , and if they prove to be as good as they are at the moment at the end of the year I think we could be in the market again for more diesels .
18 Nor do I think that there are at the moment Committees which cause unnecessary work . ’
19 He does n't know where we are at the moment and if the authorities catch up with him and give him my address it will be more trouble than it 's worth . ’
20 Morton , asked whether he believed Diana 's long-time friend and confidante would now publicly declare his love for her , said last night : ‘ The way things are at the moment , nothing at all would surprise me .
21 The very small proportion of shoppers who would therefore use such a booklet seem to us unlikely to include many who are at the moment most ignorant about credit and its cost , and therefore most need the information in it .
22 ‘ They are at the moment .
23 Rugby World Cup Ltd — which comprises its three directors , Russ Thomas , Marcel Martin and Sir Ewart Bell — are at the moment putting together a critical review of the 1991 event .
24 Many of you are at the moment taking part in discussion groups about ‘ Our Decade of Evangelisation ’ .
25 What I 'd like you to do , is to try and put into words , what the main problems are at the moment , when they occur , where they occur , and how long they 've been going on for ’ .
26 I 've made mistakes and I 've gone and said things which I 'm not proud of but I 'm not at all dissatisfied with the way things are at the moment .
27 It is safe to say that thousands of social workers are at the moment carrying such cases among their caseloads and are working on them : in some cases very efficiently , in others perhaps hampered somewhat by lack of understanding of the implications .
28 I think we are at the moment , yes .
29 Even if it were possible to draw such a distinction satisfactorily , the advantages of doing so are at the moment not at all clear .
30 In addition , it is argued that ministers should have a larger say in the appointment and transfer of senior departmental officials with whom they would be working ; that ministers should have their own private political office of specialist and political advisers ; that junior ministers should be involved in the work of departmental and interdepartmental committees which are at the moment the preserve of departmental officials ; and that backbenchers should be more closely involved in the decision-making process through bringing them into government departments .
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