Example sentences of "be a small child " in BNC.

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1 Well , it was like waiting for Christmas when you 're a small child : every day seems to last about six months .
2 I never thought it would work like this : having been a small child in the 50s when women dressed more or less identically and according to their age and class ( gymslip , good suit , housecoat , then cardigan and pinny ) , I used to think that it was beautifully liberating in the 60s and 70s when convention began to permit a woman of any age to dress in virtually any style , from hooker to schoolmarm .
3 He held her against him , nursing her as though she had been a small child , while looking down into her face .
4 do n't be a small child with a big brother of an organization .
5 Then the Sheikh went over to his Youngest Son , spoke a word of blessing and lifted that tall boy in his arms as though he were a small child .
6 Er can you remember when you were a small child erm what sort of things you did at playtime at school ?
7 His coat fronts were pulled about her while he nursed her as though she were a small child .
8 About being a small child .
9 Whenever she attempts to dress herself , in the event of someone 's wedding , she scours my wardrobe , giggling girlishly at herself , throwing off her garments as though she is a small child trying on school clothes for a mother or aunt .
10 She left India , the land of her birth when she was a small child .
11 Charles adored him and had done since he was a small child .
12 Straggling behind her was a small child , about four or five , O could n't see what sex the child was .
13 ‘ In those days , ’ said Lorraine , ‘ when she was a small child , nobody spoke about such things much .
14 When she was a small child people had stopped in the street asking why this little girl with the blonde , almost white , curls had never been chosen for the Pears soap advertisement … the one where it said , ‘ Growing up to be a beautiful lady ’ .
15 Pinholes in the sky , he had called them when he was a small child .
16 But the past , not the future , now claimed him : on this same trip to New York , he told William Turner Levy that he had dreamed of his family as it had been when he was a small child .
17 My first name was Philip , but when I was a small child I could only manage to say Pip .
18 ‘ I think I may have heard it as a bedtime story when I was a small child . ’
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