Example sentences of "be liable for the " in BNC.

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1 puts an aerial on your roof and they knock a hole in your roof then presumably they 're liable for the damage
2 If they just make a straight currency exchange , they will still be liable for the yen interest payments .
3 £50 Excess BJ The Society shall not be liable for the first £50 of each and every loss arising from any of the causes specified in Paragraphs A.2 to A.4 inclusive A.6 to A.11 inclusive B.1 and B.2 of Section 1 of this policy .
4 Conversely , and as the price for treating the company as its own , the dominant undertaking will be liable for the obligations of the company if the company defaults and this seemingly will apply even to preexisting obligations ; however , the dominant undertaking will be able to apply for relief from liability if it did not itself cause the company 's default .
5 That person should be liable for the business expenses and entitled to the sale proceeds .
6 The Trader shall be liable for the cost of unreasonable detention of any vehicle , trailer , container or sheet but the rights of the Carrier against any other person in respect thereof shall remain unaffected .
7 If , by contrast , the company was viewed as no more than a contractual association between the members much like a partnership , it was difficult to explain why each shareholder should not be liable for the full extent of any debts , as was the case in a partnership .
8 Your tenants , not you , will be liable for the community charge ( poll tax ) , but you may be liable to capital gains tax when you sell .
9 would be liable for the whole of the unpaid rent .
10 As long as the carrier continues to be liable for the delivery of the goods to a holder of the missing bill of lading , the indemnity has to run for long or indefinite periods of time .
11 " The Meeting considering that the number of useless Dogs in this Country are a great grievance , and that for many obvious reasons their number should be deminished. , and it being also represented that a number of Half Grayhounds very destructive to Hares are kept by Many This Meeting recommend to the Gentlemen of the different quarters of Islay to Intimate to the people of their neighbourhood that all useless and superflous Dogs are to be killed , and that the owner of any Dog found chasing Sheep or Lambs or running Hares shall be liable for the Damages , and the Meeting also recommend that no dog be seen at Church or other publick Meetings . "
12 People who have a second property may also be liable for the Standard Community Charge/Poll Tax .
13 Some Landlords who let out properties where the majority of tenants are resident for short periods of time , may be liable for the Collective Community Charge/Poll Tax .
14 If a sum greater than that paid in is not recovered at the trial , the plaintiff will be liable for the defendant 's taxed costs from the time of the payment in , even though he or she has ‘ won ’ the action .
15 The report suggested that it was not the ultimate loser 's fault that the judge at first instance and the Court of Appeal did not get the right answers , and that the loser should not be liable for the appellate costs .
16 If , however , he has oral sex with her and she is 16 years old or more , he can be liable for the offence of indecent assault only if it can be proved that she did not consent .
17 Thus , he pronounced against the rule that a man could not be liable for the rape of his concubine , stating that concubinage was evidence of consent , but no more than this since the woman could withdraw from cohabitation and thus withdraw her consent .
18 This request to you to represent my interests is made on strict the understanding that I will not be liable for the costs of so doing .
19 There are a few statutory exceptions contained within the Act , the most notable being that the Insurer will not be liable for the ‘ wilful misconduct ’ of the Policyholder i.e. the Policyholder deliberately ramming his vessel at speed into a harbour wall .
20 As you are aware Council Tax comes into effect from 1 April 1993 and Regional Authorities in Scotland will shortly be issuing enquiry forms to all households within their area to determine who will be liable for the tax and to enquire whether they are entitled to any discounts , exemptions or rebates .
21 His employers argued that the onset of this rare and serious illness was not reasonably foreseeable and , therefore , they should not be liable for the consequences .
22 The Proposing Transferor may ( save where a Transfer Notice is given or deemed to be given pursuant to paragraphs ( 7 ) – ( 10 ) of this Article ) within seven days of receipt of such notification revoke his Transfer Notice , provided that the Proposing Transferor shall in such circumstances be liable for the Auditors costs in certifying the Prescribed Price .
23 The Proposing Transferor may ( save where a Transfer Notice is given or deemed to be given pursuant to paragraphs ( 7 ) – ( 10 ) of this Article ) within seven days of receipt of such notification revoke his Transfer Notice , provided that the Proposing Transferor shall in such circumstances be liable for the Auditors costs in certifying the Prescribed Price .
24 The fact that organizations developing or supplying software or manufacturing and distributing hardware could be liable for the consequences of failure requires them to consider means of reducing or limiting liability and , whilst practical measures such as quality control and testing are of vital importance , regard must be had to the legal position regarding defects .
25 The defendant will not be liable for the injuries caused by the tree .
26 The basic principle of the Act is in s. 2(1) : " Where any damage is caused wholly or partly by a defect in a product , every person to whom subsection ( 2 ) … applies shall be liable for the damage . "
27 The supplier of the finished product will normally be liable for the supply , provided the finished product is covered by the Act .
28 The tenant will be liable for the VAT ( Ridgeons Bulk v Commissioners of Customs & Excise LON/1990/1702 discussed in [ 1992 ] 37 EG 97 ) .
29 The rule in Adam v Ward offers consolation to victims of attacks made under the " coward 's cloak " of Parliamentary privilege : they may reply in kind , through newspapers which will only be liable for the defamatory content of their reply if it is irrelevant to the subject-matter of the attack , or if it defames other persons who bear no responsibility for the attack .
30 An exclusion of liability for negligence in a consumer contract was held unreasonable at first instance in Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) , unreported where a clause in a contract for the processing of photographs provided that in the event of loss the processor was only to be liable for the value of the unprocessed material .
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