Example sentences of "be transfer from the " in BNC.

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1 More of the costs of educational materials have been transferred from the Ministry of Education on to consumers .
2 Having entered Royal Navy slang in this way the word could quite reasonably have been transferred from the specimen to the specimen collector , and , its origin forgotten , its vowels might equally reasonably have undergone a sea change making boffin out of buffon .
3 The most substantial of these shows in all respects — ‘ Monumental Reputation ’ — which is devoted to the intriguing story behind the making of Adam 's lavish publication The Ruins of the Emperor Diocletian 's Palace at Spalatro ( sic ) , has now been transferred from the National Library of Scotland to London and continues at the Iveagh Bequest , Kenwood , until 28 February 1993 .
4 From this it follows that a degree of decision-making power about how society 's resources should be used has been transferred from the market to the enterprise .
5 Her replacement in the Music Room is Tim Lawrence , who has been transferred from the Map Library .
6 By autumn 1986 responsibility for criminal prosecutions will have been transferred from the police to a new Crown Prosecution Service staffed by lawyers under the control of the Director of Public Prosecutions .
7 Part of this , namely FGNM , is part of the lost tariff revenue which has been transferred from the government to domestic consumers , therefore a net welfare benefit equal to the areas RFM & SGN is gained .
8 We too would like to see some pensioner and pensioner trustees on that trustee board , but we do also recognise because it is er a large scheme heavily weighted er with er pensioners and deferred pensioners in the very fact that it has been transferred from the public centre of public er sector into the private sector , that we would like to see an independent trustee er er appointed on to the er Committee of Management it would er er sort of act as a balance and be able to provide er specialist advice to particularly the Trade Union Trustees and for that matter the Employer Trustees so as to keep a broad balance of what 's happening within the that time .
9 This is a process whereby volatile organic compounds are transferred from the aqueous phase to the gas phase , thus removing the pollutants from the water stream .
10 With the two sexes in close apposition the amoeboid sperm are transferred from the cloaca of the male into the uterus of the female .
11 He looks most likely to inherit the City regulatory mantle that will be transferred from the Department of Trade .
12 But it is possible that so much competence could be transferred from the member states to the Community that member states would lose their status as sovereign states ’ .
13 Herpes simplex virus infection ( cold sores ) can easily be transferred from the mouth to the genitalia , and since doctors have started looking for them , cases of gonococcal infection in the throat have been found in increasing numbers .
14 Many automated systems permit libraries to track the circulation records of individual volumes , particularly in academic libraries where , if use rises above a certain threshold , the volume may be transferred from the main stock sequence to the short loans collection .
15 membership provides a means of social control in the workplace both because those recruited have an obligation to preserve the reputation of their sponsors and also because , in some cases , family authority principles can be transferred from the home to the job , e.g. as with a ‘ dads ’ lads ' recruitment system .
16 Information on the format and specification of the data which will be transferred from the keyboarding contractor is available in the quotation from International Computaprint Corporation dated 6 January 1984 .
17 The Act makes it possible for the properties to be transferred from the local authorities to housing associations , tenant co-operatives , or private landlords .
18 They proposed that the branch lines between Afonwen and Bangor , Corwen to Denbigh and Rhyl , and Denbigh to Mold be transferred from the L.M.R. to the W.R.
19 When the caterpillars are small they can be transferred from the old leaves to the new ones with a paint-brush .
20 The Colonial Secretary , Oliver Lyttleton , announced in October that all the proposals were accepted save only for the suggestion that the Gold Coast should at once be transferred from the Colonial Office to the Commonwealth Relations Office .
21 A case can be transferred from the County Court to the High Court or vice versa if it is for a claim between £25 000 and £50 000 at the determination of the court after the court has considered ( a ) the financial substance of the case , ( b ) the importance of the case , ( c ) the complexity of the legal issues , and ( d ) the speed of trial .
22 In summary they proposed that : the C & AG should have the right to audit the accounts of all bodies that were substantially supported from public monies , including nationalized industries and private sector companies ; that , for England and Wales , the ( then ) district audit service should be transferred from the Department of the Environment to the C & AG , with similar arrangements for Scotland ; and that the audit of health authorities should likewise be transferred to the C & AG .
23 It has been supposed that a vocal response must necessarily emanate from the left hemisphere and that a stimulus presented in the left half field of vision must therefore be transferred from the right to the left hemisphere .
24 An amount may only be transferred from the revaluation reserve : to the profit and loss account , if the amount was previously charged to that account or represents realised profit , or for the issue of bonus shares .
25 In April responsibility for funding residential and nursing home care will be transferred from the Department of Social Security to local authority social services departments over a phased period of four years .
26 The question is whether the allegiance and the democratic commitment which goes with it could in the foreseeable future be transferred from the nation state to a federal superstate of Europe .
27 Most information about terms and their relationships that could be of assistance to the user of the index will be transferred from the list to the index or catalogue itself .
28 Three of the pictures in this issue of BAIE News were taken by Ian Billinghurst on the DCS200 , but a lot of work was needed before they could be transferred from the computer system at the BAIE convention to the system at Hardman Press Services .
29 In order to deal with the control of Non-Domestic Rates and Service Accounts 3 posts and staff will be transferred from the Non-Domestic Rates and Service Accounts Sections for this purpose , pending a review of the Control Section .
30 The report highlights three issues : the amount of money to be transferred from the budget of the Department of Social Security ; the way in which housing benefit will be calculated after 1993 ; and the division of responsibility between the health authorities and the local social service departments .
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