Example sentences of "be perform [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Until a few years ago this test had not been performed in any species with a bizarre male form , and the theory remained a speculation , tentatively accepted by most ethologists in the absence of any plausible alternative .
2 Orthotopic liver transplantation has now been performed in several cases , but its widespread use is likely to be restricted by the problems of postoperative sepsis , perioperative cerebral oedema , psychological assessment , and availability of donors .
3 This is not , of course , the first time that the play has been performed in this way — in 1967 , for instance , the National Theatre mounted a brilliant all-male ‘ As You Like It ’ , with Ronald Pickup as Rosalind and Anthony Hopkins ( ! ) as Audrey .
4 First , where the obligations are non-cumulative , i.e. the obligation of each is to perform in so far as it has not been performed by any other party , the acceptance of some other performance in lieu of the promised performance relieves the others .
5 A contract ends by performance when the terms of the contract have been performed by both parties , i.e. the hotelier has supplied the accommodation contracted for and the guest has paid the contract price for the accommodation services rendered .
6 Recent evidence has suggested that colonic neoplasm may be missed in patients presenting with iron deficiency anaemia unless colonic investigations are performed on all patients even when an alternative cause has been found .
7 The Canonic Sonatas , on the other hand , were written for pairs of like instruments — flute or violin , but are performed on this disc by flute and oboe .
8 Acts of consent are acts believed to change the normative situation because they are performed with that belief .
9 Journeys of Business are performed with more than double expedition …
10 Many of the actions performed by many women , according to the misogynists he likes to write about , are performed by many men , and many ugly people would appear to be just as happy , and just as emotionally fulfilled , as many lovely ones .
11 The rarity of pathological phimosis under the age of 5 is an important observation since most circumcisions are performed before this age .
12 Another group of linked rhythms is that which includes rhythms in the intake and digestion of food , the chemical changes that are performed upon this food and the removal of waste material from the body .
13 It then gives the process a stamp of its own by running league tables within the group that show how the various subsidiary banks are performing against each target .
14 Core assessments would be performed for all referrals and general practitioners would be informed about assessments , services delivered , and closure of cases .
15 Having , say , opted for different income groups as the unit of analysis , a calculation along the following lines can be performed for each group :
16 Mozart was the master of the concerto form , as is already apparent in some of his earlier works , to be performed at this year 's Festival .
17 The techniques and skills that follow can be performed on all funboards but are best suited to boards under 3.20m as they are more controllable in strong winds .
18 Endoscopy ( with duodenal biopsy ) should be performed on all patients .
19 The rather low sensitivity of symptoms relating to upper gastrointestinal disease suggests that endoscopy should be performed on all patients with iron deficiency anaemia .
20 The second method is appropriate when only a small number of arithmetic operations are to be performed on each of a large number of initial items of data .
21 By specifying the operations that can be performed on each data object , the object-oriented approach attempts to model the dynamic as well as static aspects of the world being modelled .
22 When you undertake any procedure which causes modules to be moved between locations , a Cyclic Redundancy Check will be performed on each of the modules which have been moved .
23 If a user undertakes any procedure which results in the movement of modules between locations , such as booking out a module or performing Quality Assurance activitites , the Cyclic Redundancy Check will be performed on each of the modules which have been moved .
24 The duck gybe can be performed on any board provided that the rig is not too large and the foot of the sail is not too low , for example on racing sails .
25 This was coupled with a move towards the manufacture of increasingly complex parts , requiring geometrically more demanding cuts and an increase in the number of cuts of different types to be performed on any one piece .
26 As you can see by the screenshot , normal filing operations can be performed from this utility .
27 Previous anecdotal reports and one study have suggested that colonic investigation should be performed in all patients because of the frequency of dual colonic and upper intestinal disease .
28 further work needs to be performed in this important area .
29 This concept has two main difficulties : manometric studies should be performed in these patients , which is not frequently done and secondly , initial or developing Barrett 's oesophagus is not considered in this group .
30 In a Swedish study , patients with IBS treated with eight sessions of ‘ supportive psychotherapy which could be performed in any physician 's office ’ had fewer symptoms and psychological and physical disability compared with a control group when they were seen 3 months later .
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