Example sentences of "be prepare for an " in BNC.

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1 His mind had been prepared for an impossible radiance and it had taken time to absorb a new set of signals .
2 Already they are prepared for an electron and nucleus model which would offer the same purposeful interest in salts that they clearly enjoyed in studying molecules .
3 The pilot should always be prepared for an unexpected power failure during this critical stage of the launch .
4 We must be prepared for an ironic result — that the reduction of US military spending will lead to an increase in Japan 's defence spending .
5 I had warned my men overnight to be prepared for an early start , and a little before sunrise , leaving them to pack up and follow me , I said good-bye to my friends at Dalkania and started on the two-mile climb to the forest road on the ridge above … .
6 Toffler-junkies should be prepared for an intellectual placebo .
7 SCOTTISH cereal farmers should be prepared for an increase in their growing costs , particularly for chemicals and to a lesser extent for fertilisers , as a result of successive devaluations of sterling since the United Kingdom 's departure from the exchange rate mechanism .
8 He had , in fact , been preparing for an operation to remove his hernia , which had been scheduled for the beginning of January , but because of his winter illnesses it was postponed until the summer .
9 EXPERTS are preparing for an event billed as the biggest controlled explosion in Europe since the Second World War — the demolition today of two multi-storey blocks of flats in Glasgow 's Gorbals .
10 THE PARENTS of a Merseyside soldier killed in the Gulf War are preparing for an emotionally-charged memorial service in Kuwait .
11 They were prepared for an unyielding defence of their two flocks of 10,000 battery hens against the Ministry of Agriculture and the 10 burly ex-miners who form the ministry 's chicken-killing squad , ever-ready to wring a feathered neck .
12 The people of Ben Ami were not frightened but they were prepared for an enemy ; and visitors interested in the Arab–Jewish war of 1948 were well advised to present convincing explanations for their questions before they stirred memories too deeply .
13 GDA has purchased the site from Laing Homes and plans are being prepared for an £80 million mixed development for business , media and leisure activities .
14 Be prepared for an old school rap album from Hollywood Records International and the Hollywood Basic US labels .
15 But now he 's preparing for an even more nerve-wracking experience — the birth of their first child later this summer .
16 Quincx Roirbak was preparing for an evening out when his receptionist summoned him .
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