Example sentences of "be regard as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand the UK business entering EC markets is acting as a poacher in what has traditionally been regarded as territory belonging to other EC businesses .
2 At the end of the war , under communist control , Yugoslavia became a federation , and Serbia lost not only its dominant position but also large areas that had previously been regarded as part of its territory .
3 The Queen had already been informed ; this had been the purpose of his visit to Sandringham the previous day , which had generally been regarded as part of the normal routine , and not as marking any special occasion .
4 In this respect the cautionary words of Staughton LJ quoted above were never more apposite ; practices which on the old authorities would not have been regarded as part of a solicitor 's normal work may well , not least in the wake of the Financial Services Act 1986 , become commonplace .
5 The view has been accepted that the state which has traditionally been regarded as death in a human being is reached when the brain , including the brain-stem , is destroyed .
6 Once convinced , however , that no major philosophical change was involved , but merely the identification by reference to more sophisticated criteria of what has always been regarded as death , medical lawyers have increasingly come to accept brain-stem death as the legal description also .
7 In science , for example , the earth science component ( attainment targets 9 and 16 , with aspects of attainment targets 5 , 6 , 7 and 8 ) includes much that has in the past been described as geography , while the materials component ( ATs 6–8 ) includes a great deal that has conventionally been regarded as technology .
8 Values less than 6.0 mg/l are considered normal and those exceeding 6.0 mg/l are regarded as evidence of a raised CRP in serum .
9 If the latter are regarded as territory to be defended , as rallying cries for confrontation with others , perhaps we ought to be asking whether they need to be so territorial ?
10 In bookkeeping terms the depreciation amounts are regarded as debit entries in an intermediate account which is then transferred to the profit and loss account at the end of the accounting period .
11 In bookkeeping terms the depreciation amounts are regarded as debit entries in an intermediate account which is then transferred to the profit and loss account at the end of the accounting period .
12 In this way , both purpose and foresight of practical certainty are regarded as part of the definition of intent , although there are other statements suggesting that foresight of practical or ‘ virtual ’ certainty is merely evidence from which intent may be inferred .
13 In Jamaica , the elements are regarded as part of life 's mysteries .
14 In this system , some human beings are regarded as chattel , or items of property , belonging to another individual or social group .
15 If they are not , then they are regarded as penalty clauses which are unenforceable at common law , so that the question of the applicability of s 3 of the UCTA never arises .
16 Lots of our pet fish are regarded as food in their native countries .
17 Rather than accepting this end point , they want to push on and ask how individuals got the properties — including their desires , intentions and so forth that are regarded as root causes by individualists .
18 Contrastingly , it is not a defence to a civil claim where legislative standards are regarded as minimum which should , in some circumstances , be exceeded by the reasonably prudent producer .
19 The point , however , we wish to make here is that , from whatever source the teachers are drawn , their work with adult students should be regarded as university work ; the Professor of English should make it part of his duties to keep in close touch with them , periodical meetings of the tutors and the Professor , for the interchange of ideas and the discussion of problems should be held — in short that the extension and tutorial classes should be regarded as an integral part of the English Department .
20 Certain of these units will be regarded as core units , requiring to be completed as part of the course , other units being options , the student being able to select those units which would be best suited to his/her own particular needs .
21 By strict standards , therefore , the memoirs must contain much that can only be regarded as fiction .
22 However , if it went on , on a grand scale , it might be regarded as benefit in kind and be taxed .
23 It should be regarded as life and leisure ( SOC VOC ) rather than " school " .
24 Elizabeth and I used with amusement to look at each other 's horoscope in the newspapers , but without credulity : I explained to her that even if one believed in astrology they must be regarded as nonsense , being entirely unscientific and paying no attention to the hour of birth and therefore to the ‘ rising sign ’ .
25 Insofar as municipal systems set limits to the use of force and punish at least some of those guilty of crimes of violence it has some success as law and an undisputed claim to be regarded as law for as long as the officials of the system pursue these objectives by taking steps against non-compliance ( Hart , 1961 , pp. 79–88 and 213ff . ) .
26 The seventh part of his third Ennead ( ‘ On Time and Eternity ’ ) can be regarded as meditation on the passage in Plato 's Timaeus ( 37–8 ) where time and the creation of the world are discussed .
27 This first-hand testimony , delivered with appropriate scholarly documentation , helped restore to the so called ‘ primitive ’ his full humanity and dignity ; it became intellectually inadmissible for tribesmen to be regarded as museum specimens who would remain for ever wayward children of nature and wards of paternalistic colonialism .
28 Laundering of cloths in the ‘ hot wash ’ cycle of any machine may be regarded as disinfection .
29 A vast and ordinarily unnoticed area of the history of the arts is the development of systems of social signals that what is now to be made available is to be regarded as art .
30 The minister is to be regarded as head , and part of , his department , and his decision represents its collective wisdom .
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