Example sentences of "be face the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You 're facing the situation with a closed mind . ’
2 But I mean the the panel is going to have to explore this apparent conflict which I do n't think 's been properly papered over between what is in paragraph five of P P G one and section fifty four A. Er it 's a nice dilemma which we 're we 're faced the planning profession as a whole is faced with erm and and I think that either it 's section fifty four A or it 's paragraph five of P P , P P G one .
3 I entirely accept that if er , four years on we were still doing the same thing that then they 'd be er , some erm , requirement for er , cutting back but I think it is also worth reminding ourselves that due to the action of this conservative government in er , forcing the local government review , er , we are facing the spectre er , of an additional full meeting of this council , and indeed we have had to er , respond to that government initiative .
4 DOLE clerks are facing the threat of unemployment themselves , it was revealed yesterday .
5 The Cheetahs supported by Fox F M , are facing the indignity of finishing bottom of the British League after winning the championship last year .
6 Oxford United are facing the fight of their lives tonight … to reach the third round …
7 We have known for a number of years that we with every other council in the land , are facing the government that does not believe in local government .
8 Gloucestershire are facing the prospect of defeat against Somerset in the second round of the Nat West Trophy .
9 Celtic turmoil FOOTBALL : Celtic 's embattled board of directors are facing the prospect of an extraordinary general meeting before the end of the season after a meeting yesterday between Parkhead chairman Kevin Kelly and powerful Canadian businessman and Celtic shareholder Jim Doherty , who is the central figure in a group demanding sweeping changes in the running of the club .
10 ‘ The council has been capped this year and we felt it would have been incredibly insensitive to spend money on road races when some council workers are facing the prospect of losing their jobs . ’
11 Coun Young said : ‘ I think it is pretty ludicrous to suggest anyone is getting rich by taking people to hospital ‘ But if people who do this sort of thing are facing the prospect of making a loss they just wo n't bother .
12 As I have said , we are facing the closure of a world-famous company in Scotland .
13 UP TO 300 workers are facing the axe at a struggling Merseyside firm .
14 Erm , and I think Economic Development are actually contributing very fairly to the problems which are facing the County Council .
15 The palm of the hand should now be facing the floor .
16 The Queen 's press secretary Charles Anson is said to be facing the chop for saying Fergie was ‘ unsuitable ’ after her split from Prince Andrew .
17 If he does , someone should be facing the axe at the end of this season .
18 The lead should not , however , be facing the source , as this leads to increased Bremsstrahlung ( 99.70±0.02% vs 99.23±0.02% , p<10 -6 , shielding 3 vs 4 ) .
19 Two lawyers were facing the magistrate across a desk that occupied most of the floor space .
20 The thing that saddens me is that we 're supposed to have a T U C , that organization is supposed to draw together the various trade unions and what are we seeing , an ideal opportunity slipped from our grasp when the miners were facing the issue of jobs to public service workers should have linked up with the miners and we should have took the government on
21 The designers were facing the question : - Can the search space be kept within manageable proportions until this disambiguating information is reached , or should one try to find the ‘ narrow ’ point and start from there ?
22 Peter and Nona had their backs against a wall , they were facing the man who seemed to inhabit the tunnel .
23 It was an innocuous question , so why did she suddenly feel as if she were facing the Inquisition ?
24 We were facing the front of the truck , so we could n't see the men .
25 ‘ By then I reckon you had your back to the stage and were facing the barrel of the gun .
26 I began 1982 with a series of visits to look at the issues which were facing the health service .
27 It was just a pity , he thought , that he 'd now have to sit tight here , while his men were facing the enemy .
28 Er yes in in on part if you were part of the moon that 's facing the sun it would get very hot .
29 So with this this stone could be built in so that it 's facing the road could n't it ?
30 ‘ IBM needs to make something happen with OS/2 2.1 , or it 's facing the possibility of being a niche product for a very long time . ’
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