Example sentences of "be establish [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In principle there was no distinction between indirect interference at the first stage and such interference at a remoter stage , but the more indirect and remote the interference , the more difficult it may be to establish on the facts that A did intend to interfere with the particular contract relied on by the plaintiff and that that interference was a necessary consequence of A 's wrongful act .
2 Mr Afo 's organisation also demands that Congress grant blacks the five southern states of Georgia , Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , and South Carolina to be established as a separate nation .
3 Tyrothricin can reasonably be regarded as the first antibiotic to be established as a therapeutic substance .
4 Arguably , these functions could be located within other the support or operational groupings , or be established as a separate agency with liaison links as appropriate .
5 Moreover , that focal point could be established as a definition of ‘ god ’ sufficiently broad for it to be accepted as the believed-in entity covering all the diverse forms of the totems credited with the power to heal .
6 The implication of the foregoing is that the right to own property , a contentious subject even in this late twentieth century , could , subject to agreed rules and conditions , be raised to an important place in human affairs and be established as a Godly institution .
7 A worldwide on-line information systems network for the Unix System V market is to be established as a joint venture between Unix Systems Labs , Fujitsu Networks Industry , Stamford , Connecticut and Tangent International , New York City .
8 Those proponents of Producers ' Co-operation who ‘ wanted each factory to be established as a separate profit-sharing society ’ were right in principle : for only thus could it escape from the dominant consumer interest , only thus secure the ground from which to mount its own advance towards the more important objective of Co-operative aspiration .
9 The courts draw a distinction between those facts which are within the tribunal 's jurisdiction , i. e. those facts which the tribunal alone decides , and those facts which are outside its jurisdiction , i. e. facts which must be established as a condition precedent for the tribunal to exercise its power .
10 As an example , Drucker quoted the case of Crown-Zellerbach , a big West-Coast pulp and paper manufacturer , which found that long-range forest management was such an important activity that it had to be established as a separate department , because otherwise it would not be given the attention its importance warranted .
11 All the items listed in section 2 were matters in which truth or falsity could be established as a matter of fact .
12 All the items listed in s2 are matters to which truth or falsity can be established as a matter of fact .
13 Two transgenic mice were obtained of which only the one carrying two copies of the gene could be established as a line .
14 In one sense , there can be no doubt that success was achieved , if this is measured in terms of the degree to which the new English came to be established as the core of the modern curriculum at almost all levels of the national education system from the 1920s ; indeed , this is the sort of conclusion that most previous histories of English have encouraged .
15 Naturalization would be established as the only means of gaining nationality , all naturalizations since 1974 would be reviewed , and the automatically renewable 10-year residency permit would be replaced by a two-year permit .
16 When he is subordinate to both of them then a partnership with either animal may be established as an aid to intervention .
17 If this can be established as an objective truth , then this would indeed make a correctionalist approach misguided — although only if it were committed to the total elimination of deviance .
18 For the CNAA itself there was also the problem of the transitional situation in which the new BEd degree would run in parallel with the existing certificate courses , and the Committee laid down that ‘ the new BEd must be established as an award of degree standard , distinct from the Certificate course which it is intended to replace ’ .
19 Freud thought that communism could not be established over the world as a whole without a great deal of bloodshed , and that even then , although the human potential for brutality and killing may be less , it would not disappear entirely .
20 The nature of an object can not be established through a means of knowledge totally unrelated to it .
21 In addition , far better liaison needs to be established between the breweries and local authority Conservation and Planning Officers , English Heritage , the National Amenity Societies , local civic bodies and , of course , pub landlords and their clientele over planned pub refurbishments .
22 Might this be the beginning of the end of America 's trade embargo against Vietnam , a hint that diplomatic relations will be established between the two countries ?
23 In the psychological sense , creation of any sort can occur only in the face of commensurate opposition , and a balance or reconciliation must be established between the two forces in order that the idea may become an actuality and be sustained .
24 The petition repeatedly appealed for a dialogue to be established between the Indonesian and Portuguese Governments and representatives of the East Timorese people .
25 ( a ) An equilibrium of right and protection must be established between the individual to be judged and the society which judges in order to escape the exaggerations … introduced by the classical school , which failed to distinguish between dangerous and not dangerous , atavistic and evolutive delinquents .
26 Moreover links could be established between the OED text and the texts of the other Oxford English Dictionaries ( in machine-readable form ) to aid the improvement and updating of these dictionaries .
27 How will communications be established between the schools , the industries and education authority personnel ?
28 Views such as these highlight the fundamental mechanics of Nizan 's political psychology : a willingness to accept expedient political tactics provided that a justifiable link could be established between the tactics themselves and the long term " moral " strategy ; a consequent unwillingness to accept expedient political tactics relayed unthinkingly by leading party officials whose only concern was the efficient management of the current party line .
29 Additionally , to enable a link to be established between the new Visitor Centre at the West Gate and the SunAccount system , either optical fibre cabling or a line-of-sight microwave link needs to be in place by 1994/95 .
30 A joint border committee was to be established between the two countries to deal with any such incidents .
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