Example sentences of "be drive [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Waterworth worked for an agency and had been driving for the Fewston Transport Company , of Skipton , at the time of the tragedy .
2 At present , another member commented , " we have been driving with the accelerator full down and the brake on at the same time " .
3 Later at the inquest ( which he did n't attend ) , he admitted through his lawyer that he may have been driving on the wrong side of the road .
4 To anyone who has been driving on the planet earth within the last 75 years , they are just the same .
5 He had been driving along the twisting mountain roads when he 'd crashed ; that much she knew .
6 She 'd been driving along the A420 Oxford to Swindon road at Pusey woods , when she was hit head-on by a stolen Vauxhall Cavalier .
7 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
8 She was surprised to find that it was still not too late , only lunchtime actually , and she was further surprised when Felipe merely informed the other two that they had been driving in the mountains .
9 The squadron had been out on a practice bombing exercise and J. had been driving round the perimeter track that afternoon , inspecting the bomb bays of returned aircraft , and came back to park his vehicle in one of the empty hangars .
10 The whole South Sussex team had been driving round the country in a vast aluminium horse box , evidently the latest thing in America , and Kevin had provided each player with four top-class ponies .
11 Clark had a bad back — arthritis — and in one scene they are driving through the crowd going to the rodeo .
12 On the contrary they are being wiped out as the loggers introduce new diseases , alcohol and guns along with the roads they are driving through the rainforest .
13 Another way of looking at tranquillizer use is to think of the following analogy : you are driving along the motorway and suddenly your car oil warning light comes on .
14 normally after + very heavy rain + or something like that + and + you 're driving along the road + and + far away + you see + well + er + a series + of + stripes + + formed like a bow + an arch + + very very far away + ah + seven colours but + + I guess you hardly ever see seven it 's just a + a series of + colours which + they seem to be separate but if you try to look for the separate ( kAz ) — colours they always seem + very hard + to separate + if you see what I mean ++ ( Postgraduate student speaking informally )
15 Obviously when you 're driving along the road the observation y wants to be up the road as far as it possibly can be .
16 Erm , now we , we can explain to you in more detail , but the finan I think Mr 's already said to you that the financial savings er , from such moves are not as productive as they were , so in sense we 're driven by strategy here , we 're driven by the fact that there is a private and there is an independent sector that is there , there is alternative methods of supply .
17 So it , as I said to you in my opening remarks , here 's a clear example of us having to move in a direction that we would n't be recommending to you in terms of policy , but we 're driven by the financial considerations .
18 ‘ Besides , he may have been driven over the edge by her carryings-on .
19 Although the vast majority are hardened by their loss , others have been driven over the edge of madness .
20 Threats had been made to her and the children and in the end she had been driven over the edge .
21 The Major had told us that he was plagued with poachers , particularly since the new road had been driven up the hill from the Aberfeldy side ; and that he very much doubted if there were any fish left in Loch a'Chait .
22 Having been driven with the children into Mondano he had wandered off on his own unexplained concerns .
23 By 1972 , presumably to guide people in the same predicament , posts five feet high had been driven into the ground beside the track .
24 These hairs have been driven into the wound but not cut through — you see ?
25 IBM has been driven into the System V camp by customer demands in the US federal government and the telecommunications industry , and the IBM Federal Systems Co is helping Harris out with the work .
26 IBM has been driven into the SVR4 camp by customer demands in the US federal government and the telecommunications industry , and the IBM Federal Systems Co is helping Harris out with the work .
27 Ariel starts across the clearing ; the trees and undergrowth , the tangle of roots and flowers have been razed , she must trudge across open ground to reach the sea , which is her aim ; she will walk out on the west side of the settlement 's boundaries , where the stockade has not yet been driven into the beach , past the rinsing and brewing pools which have already come to look neglected , the waterline slimy with weed , the flies hatching on the surface .
28 What she had seen was a Scarag , impaled through the jaw and hanging limp on Scathach 's lance , which had been driven into the ground .
29 About 40 per cent of the 300,000 inhabitants have been driven off the land by the shrimp firms mainly in the direction of the overcrowded cities .
30 ‘ We have therefore been driven to the conclusion that the court has power to , and should , intervene , ’ he said .
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