Example sentences of "be represent at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Another major demand on woodland which is rarely discussed is the fuel requirement for cremating bodies , especially in eastern England where many thousands of cremations may be represented at a single cemetery .
2 Gospel Music will be represented at a special concert in the Pavilion Theatre where Clarence Fountain and the Five Blind Boys of Alabama will celebrate half a century of this legendary group .
3 15 DAYS OF MOVEMENT AND DANCE Medau will be represented at a number of multi-movement days promoted by GL&SE Sports Council in conjunction with local authorities .
4 Christian , Buddhist and Muslim traditions will be represented at the seminar , which is supported by WACC .
5 The countries to be represented at the seminar include Egypt , Iraq , Jordan , Lebanon , Palestine and Syria .
6 The countries to be represented at the seminar include Egypt , Iraq , Jordan , Lebanon , Palestine and Syria .
7 The magnitude of the electric field may be represented at the same time by the density of field lines .
8 Pivotal to the security of people with a mental disorder who are detained in hospitals is the right to apply to a mental health review tribunal for discharge from their sections and to be represented at the tribunal by a lawyer of their choice .
9 The report and accounts are sent to all shareholders and loan stock holders of the Company , but only the holders of ordinary shares in the Company are entitled to attend or be represented at the above meeting .
10 Indeed , the embassy will certainly be represented at the forthcoming trials to which I think the hon. Gentleman is referring .
11 It would be helpful if you could indicate on the attached reply slip if your Association will be represented at the meeting .
12 If you have not yet returned the pro forma sent to you on 16 March and do intend that your Association will be represented at the meeting would you please return the pro forma to ensure that seating arrangements are adequate .
13 I hope that your governing body will be represented at this Meeting and it would be helpful if you could indicate on the attached reply slip if your Association will be represented at the meeting .
14 It was then announced from Cairo that all countries would be represented at the meeting at the same level .
15 President Ramiz Alia of Albania on Sept. 2 called for the substantial body of ethnic Albanians in Yugoslavia to be represented at the peace conference .
16 The Nagorny Karabakh Supreme Soviet presidium on July 1 reversed its decision not to be represented at the Rome negotiations [ see p. 38975 ] .
17 But I think it 's absolutely clear that if we have , if we have no sort of terminal erm perhaps it is yes to terminal two at Stansted and I do believe that we must talk and think and act competent er Mr has put various the case but , but we are entitled to we represent Hertfordshire people and we must keep more confident er and it 's interests and I believe there is erm , if we do n't do something , somebody else would be doing that , erm and it 's and , and , and I hope that , that er the , will support and I believe that we will be doing erm so there 's a lot more complex work to be done without erm congestion on the M twenty five , although we 've got the work to put our case but at this very early stage be represented at the enquiry to put the evidence , to put the alternatives is absolutely .
18 Other club suppliers will also be represented at the exhibition .
19 That makes it even more important for the trades council rank and file to be represented at the T U C Congress , so people know what the reality is .
20 Rover has provided written evidence for the Enquiry but wo n't be represented at the hearings .
21 Although Rover will not be represented at the hearings , chairman Lord McCarthy says the Enquiry is valid .
22 It is essential that RBGE continues to co-operate with these bodies , and that we are represented at a high level in those international bodies which are active in taxonomic database work
23 ‘ Currently we are represented at the AAA by the road race committee , none of the members of which are selected by direct election .
24 Both are represented at the European Parliament in Strasbourg .
25 A total of 98 governments were represented at a 10-day conference in London on June 19-29 held to agree revisions to the Montreal protocol on the protection of the ozone layer .
26 Well , I mean you may be right I ca n't be I 'm not I 'm not absolutely certain myself but er it would be nice to think that we were represented at a local authority level , yeah , by different cross-sections of our community .
27 All the winning breweries were represented at the ceremony held in Doggets Coat and Badge , Blackfriars .
28 Great Britain and Ireland were represented at the Eisenhower Trophy in Vancouver , Canada , by Ireland 's Raymond Burns ( Banbridge ) , Wales ' Bradley Dredge ( Bryn Meadows ) , Scotland 's Dean Robertson ( Cochrane Castle ) and England 's Mathew Stanford ( Saltford ) .
29 The IDA were represented at the press conference by John Gannon , the IDA 's Executive Director , and Thomas Linehan , its Regional Manager for Cork .
30 The Essex group consists of 17 Young Farmers Clubs , and all were represented at the show .
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