Example sentences of "be describe as [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some LEAs have long collated information obtained from schools in such a way that the results might be described as performance indicators .
2 Sometimes this can be described as apathy : ‘ to have difficulties in taking initiative , and to experience problems in personal control and human relations ’ ( Kets de Vries , 1978 ) .
3 While command line interpreters do have a certain fascination and instill a tremendous discipline on the user they could hardly be described as state of the art .
4 The emphasis placed on current practice could be described as self-sufficiency ; an ability to make and act upon decisions arrived at from a position of sound professional judgement , decisions arrived at independently of doctors but complementary to their assessment of patients .
5 But Micahel Winner says reconstructions like this can legitimately be described as entertainment .
6 For the purposes of this book , just two assertions will have to content us : first , some works have been intended by their makers to be seen as art ; second , there is a consensus today that other works are to be described as art .
7 Of course the burning of one old man can not be described as persecution ; it was in no way a parallel to the persecution in England which gave an instinctively kindly woman the name of Bloody Mary .
8 Indeed , the film could not be described as hardcore pornography at all .
9 That commodity could be described as peace of mind .
10 A flight to residential care from a disagreeable home situation can not be described as choice .
11 Empirical statements concerning spatial and/or temporal order e.g. that x is to the left of y , or above y , or that it precedes yin a time series , etc. — do not involve attribution of certain purely intrinsic properties to x or toy , i.e. properties that might be described as part of their essential description ( qua self-subsistent ontological entities ) .
12 Certainly quite a few of the 120 prospective new faces might be described as career politicians .
13 The reconstruction of the interior of Uppark can not reasonably be described as maintenance .
14 In between was the cavalry-owning class proper , who took slowly but eventually to ideas which could be described as democracy ( p. 83 ) .
15 If anyone can be described as leader of the IRA it is Martin McGuinness .
16 Secondly , we were made aware of the effects of what can be described as liberation thinking and liberation theology not only in South America but only , also , in the Pacific regions Asia , Japan and Korea .
17 In this sense they can be described as policy decisions .
18 Evidently , the overall response of this particular filter may be described as band-pass .
19 The seller delivered copra cake so contaminated with castor beans that it " could not properly be described as copra cake at all " .
20 We went with our newly found friend who took us through the side door to a shed at the back of his premises and showed us what could only be described as treasure — five large horse collars of black leather .
21 Therefore , the lighting that had been installed to provide a normal level of additional illumination could not be described as plant .
22 There is a range of other software application programs on the market which may be described as design aids .
23 Very occasionally a small child would throw a tantrum when denied something , and it would be described as chan .
24 The sick person would not be described as chan in such instances , although the cause would be identified as directly related to the behaviour of the spouse .
25 The principal town of Ramsgate , Britain 's second biggest channel port , could be described as Pop Larkin country by the sea .
26 He wanted more control in order to level up , to get rid of ‘ jerry building being described as Congregationalism ’ .
27 The transition from traditional management techniques to those based on personal computers revealed the need not only for good early planning but also for high-level commitment in directing what was to be implemented and for what were described as decision support systems .
28 These acts were described as part of a chain of military moves aimed at setting up a new alliance in the Red Sea area with the direct and active participation of the United States .
29 Depressed women were described as onset cases if their symptoms had begun ( at a caseness level ) , at some point during the previous twelve months , and as chronic cases if their symptoms had begun before this .
30 The plane has been fitted with what 's described as self defence equipment .
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