Example sentences of "be carry [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eschewing strategic analysis in favour of a more polemical approach he argued that these concessions were to be used as ‘ trans-shipping points for American combat units that are to carry out punitive operations against the peoples of the Near and Middle East , as well as in Africa ’ .
2 Secondly , is it appropriate to regard the state as bringing companies into existence on the understanding that they are to carry out public purposes , and hence similarly justifying a right of intervention ?
3 The blooms are carried on long stalks and are over an inch across .
4 R. rugosa has enormous glossy red hips , surpassed only by those of R. moyesii ‘ Geranium ’ , which are carried on graceful arching stems .
5 About 2,000 abortions a year are carried out due to abnormalities found in unborn babies .
6 The installation of the Library 's computer package means that all cataloguing functions are carried out on-line .
7 Until now testing has been carried out prior to major events , such as the World Cup ; the new plan will build on the success of the original programme and , as both Palmer and MacKinnon noted , will provide the younger players will an incentive and standards that must be met if they want to win full international caps .
8 Since this work has been carried out other dictionaries have also become available .
9 The principal object of the formation of a service company will be to carry out administrative functions concerned with the running of the practice — eg the employment of staff , hiring premises , furniture and equipment and general maintenance .
10 The white man 's burden had to be carried on strong backs .
11 There is some agreement between my view and that of L. J. Fishwick , who suggests that training could be given to allow more environmental audits to be carried out in-house .
12 Due to the high costs of equipment for high-quality colour printing , the actual printing work should be contracted out , but the design work can be carried out in-house .
13 An enclosed community guards and cares for an enclosed community and we the public gladly subcontract this duty , hoping that it will be carried out unseen and unheard .
14 Alternatively , the tests can be carried out free on the NHS , and although the NHS clinics and hospitals are unlikely to be able to provide an answer within one month , Mr Goswamy believes that , with proper organisation , a three month programme should be possible on the NHS .
15 He warned : ‘ Our inspectors will be carrying out random checks in trading premises throughout Northern Ireland to identify those traders not complying with the order . ’
16 A force of 20 armed OMON troops entered the Vilnius central telephone exchange on June 26 , claiming to be carrying out presidential orders in searching for illegal weapons and found a pistol , ammunition and explosives .
17 He said : ‘ I can confirm we have been carrying out certain inquiries , including the forensic re-examination of material . ’
18 A UK-based Indonesian human rights campaigning group , Tapol , claimed in its June bulletin that the army had been carrying out public executions of alleged members of the Free Aceh Movement ( FAM ) in northern Sumatra .
19 For several years France had been carrying out nuclear weapons tests on the remote Pacific island of Moruroa in the Pacific .
20 In the RSPB 's biggest-ever reedbed rescue , a mechanical digger is digging out the surface of the entire 55 acres of fen and volunteers are carrying out strenuous scrub clearance .
21 We have carried out and are carrying out extensive tests throughout the United Kingdom and have found that only three farms are affected .
22 They are carrying out directed interviews there , and will collect time and money budgets .
23 Researchers in 9 other countries are carrying out similar research on other artifacts .
24 Ministry of Agriculture inspectors fear that the disease has spread from the Continent , and are carrying out detailed checks around Wood Farm , near Aylsham .
25 As this Government are carrying out massive programmes of expenditure in the Cynon valley in education , health , housing improvements , factory building , derelict land clearance , urban aid , regional grants and training , I will , with permission , Mr. Speaker , circulate the details in the Official Report and place a copy in the Library .
26 One might suppose that to be based on the completely illogical argumentall persons carrying out judicial functions must act fairly , therefore all persons who must act fairly are carrying out judicial functions .
27 More GPs are carrying out minor ‘ lumps and bumps ’ surgery and some are exploring community surgical centres where surgeons hold clinics and carry out day-case operations , and patients are bringing biotechnology into the home with self-monitoring for diabetes .
28 A week after the operation that took us to Southern Ireland , I was told to take Venturous up the east coast to Hull and from there , after a crew change , we were to carry out extended patrols northwards which would eventually involve us in a complete circumnavigation of the British Isles .
29 Solid silver is extremely heavy , so these were carried on ceremonial occasions by huge men from a special clan on the Indian side of the border .
30 Between 1984 and 1990 in-depth studies of paraprofessional social service personnel were carried out on-site in Britain , India , Israel , Spain and the USA , in order to examine in more detail the trends and issues revealed by our international survey .
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