Example sentences of "be receive from the " in BNC.

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1 An alternative explanation , however , is that rhythms with a 24-hour period are received from the external world — but that these are picked up and transmitted to the body clock less effectively in premature babies .
2 Some such applications for the BEd degree are received from the Central Register and Clearing House ( CRCH ) but , unusually , BEd candidates may alternatively apply to Oxford through PCAS .
3 More often it works as a way of postponing the cost to the successful assisted litigant until damages and costs are received from the opponent .
4 As the character candidates are received from the pattern recognition process the combinations of characters are checked for validity in the lexicon .
5 In thanking Sir Thomas Kennedy for his address , the Chairman of Conference announced that the cheque for £50,000 had been received from the RAF Benevolent Fund .
6 On 28 June , before any request had been received from the ruler , Centaur and Bulwark were sailed for the Gulf ; the Amphibious Squadron left Bahrein for Kuwait with instructions to stay out of sight of land ; the Hunters and Shackletons were flown north from Aden to Bahrein ; a Canberra squadron was sent from Germany to Bahrein as well ; and 24th Brigade was alerted in Kenya and preparations were made to fly it to Kuwait in chartered civil aircraft .
7 A cheque for £400 had been received from the Radcliffe Trustees , Mr Park had collected £389 of the £521 from ratepayers , but on 18 December 1896 , it was reported that a further debit of £21 6s 6d had been received from the Locomotive Department , increasing the total to £2,935 10s 7d , and none of the ratepayers who owed the uncollected £132 were property owners , so there was little or no hope of collecting it ; that was written off .
8 A cheque for £400 had been received from the Radcliffe Trustees , Mr Park had collected £389 of the £521 from ratepayers , but on 18 December 1896 , it was reported that a further debit of £21 6s 6d had been received from the Locomotive Department , increasing the total to £2,935 10s 7d , and none of the ratepayers who owed the uncollected £132 were property owners , so there was little or no hope of collecting it ; that was written off .
9 This is annoying , to say the least , especially when a firm commitment has been received from the same ‘ man ’ .
10 The shipping office was the only line of communication with Nadirpur available to the Iranians , but no call had yet been received from the kidnappers .
11 But a spokesman said last night : ‘ A gift of £1 million has also been received from the Emir of Kuwait .
12 Some 2,150 replies had been received from the prelates and Catholic institutions consulted .
13 This was not surprising as by now instructions had been received from the Allies prohibiting any further Japanese initiative .
14 The builder 's surveyor will be unable to certify payments to the various nominated subcontractors until after the interim certificate has been received from the architect .
15 Water of Leith Clean-up No replies have been received from the Scouts or the Guides .
16 Water of Leith Clean Up No replies have been received from the Scouts or Guides .
17 Fencing for Nursery Playgroup A letter has been received from the playgroup thanking us for the provision of the fence .
18 The sum of 76 has been received from the envelopes .
19 Bloomiehall Park A reply has been received from the Department of Recreation stating that seats will be provided near the east entrance but it would be necessary to delay their installation until the early spring of next year when financial provision can be made .
20 More recently , a long awaited consultation paper has been received from the DSS on the alternatives for equalising State pension ages .
21 A letter has been received from the Water of Leith Conservation Trust stating that some young trees are available and arrangements will be made to have them supplied .
22 A letter has been received from the manager apologising for inconvenience caused by the skip and building equipment but stated that the completion date for the work is early October .
23 Water of Leith Clean-up No replies have been received from the Scouts or the Guides .
24 Water of Leith Clean Up No replies have been received from the Scouts or Guides .
25 Fencing for Nursery Playgroup A letter has been received from the playgroup thanking us for the provision of the fence .
26 The sum of 76 has been received from the envelopes .
27 Bloomiehall Park A reply has been received from the Department of Recreation stating that seats will be provided near the east entrance but it would be necessary to delay their installation until the early spring of next year when financial provision can be made .
28 In addition , formal expressions of interest have been received from the Victoria infirmary , Glasgow , the West Grampian hospitals unit , the Princess Margaret Rose hospital in Edinburgh , and Lothian college of nursing and midwifery .
29 During this period , research funds have also been received from the Department of Employment , the Department of Health and Social Security , the Department of Trade and Industry , the European Economic Community , and several industrial companies .
30 In the case of Algeria and Israel it strongly advised the EC Commission to delay disbursement of funds until firm guarantees on respect for human rights had been received from the respective governments .
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